Microwave cheeseburgers gave me the opposite of a sugar high this morning, what was that feeling ?!

Question: Microwave cheeseburgers gave me the opposite of a sugar high this morning, what was that feeling .?
They do have alot of sodium, but I'm confused with what my body was going through..

I was hungry last night, but decided to go to sleep after a 6 pack of Budweiser..

I woke up ready to get a nice meal, but the meal wasn't so nice..

I ate the first burger fast, no problem..

Then the second burger, half way through.. My body told me not to take another bite.. As If I was ready to vomit it back up..

I walked around, thinking about that strange feeling.. Drank alot of water, but I need a answer..

Sodium does cause high blood pressure, but what exactly is that feeling .?

What started happening after my 2 minutes of eating .?Health Question & Answer

You were probably dehydrated already and your blood pressure shot up really quickly.. Health Question & Answer

As you stated, opposite of a sugar high.. Since you ate a heavy meal, starched heavy meal your body hit a starch-out low.. Digestion has to deal with all you put in your system.. Digestion is gonna digest/process the liquids first - the water you drank processed first.. The bread from the burger next.. Then the meat.. During this process the meat is there waiting it's turn and fermenting.. You're feeling that and become lethargic.. Health Question & Answer

It was probably a combination of the bugers and beer..Health Question & Answer

Cus thouse burgers are nasty......

cheers!Health Question & Answer

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