I am 12 and i started lifting weights last week. but...!

Question: I am 12 and i started lifting weights last week.. but......
those same weights now feel like they're too heavy, at first they were light to me.. is this because my body is new to this and this is how it responds, i thought maybe it was because of puberty.. i had heard somewhere that i shouldn't put my body through too much high impact excercises during puberty cuz i am still growing, is this true.? thanks in advanced..Health Question & Answer

Yes, you are still growing..

Your muscles are not used to weights, so they coped with the added stress you placed upon them..

One of the key components of muscles is they need rest in order to grow..

As the ends of your bones are VERY soft, you must have PERFECT technique to avoid twisting the growing portions of your bones..

Try weights once a week and swim three times.. That way you should get the stretching you need as well..

By the time you are 15/16 you should be able to use weights 2-3 times a week, again with PERFECT technique..

Hope this helps..Health Question & Answer

This is only because you over exercised (or the opposite).. You most likely didn't let your body have sufficient rest after you exercised and it only does harm.. As for your age, no, you're not too young.. My brother does the same thing and he's turning 12.. Try lifting weights every other day.. Try jogging in the days in between.. Of course I don't mean super-heavy weights, just the normal ones like 3-5lb.. I do not recommend anything above 10lb!Health Question & Answer

When you lift weights at your age don't lift really heavy ones and don't do it everyday..
Do it 3-4 times a week so that your muscles can get back the strength
they have used up..
Your muscles tear and give them some time to heal..
Lift light ones so that you don't stun your growth..
Trust me you don't wanna stun your growth..
Lift some heavy weights when you hit 14 like me..Health Question & Answer

Sometimes when you first begin to workout and your body is not use to such stressful exercise it is normal for you to become a little weak before you become more strong.. In reality it is never to early to be concerned with your appearance or health, just be careful as to the amount of exertion that you put yourself through at once.. Health Question & Answer

at 12 years old, you probably shouldn't be lifting because your body isn't even close to being done maturing so you won't be able to tell if your lifting is making you get bigger or just puberty..

if you want to get in shape, do stuff with your own body weight like pushups, sit ups, pull ups, running, ect.. thats really will help.. if you continue to do all of the above, then when your body is ready for you to work out, you can really shoot up..

good luck:)Health Question & Answer

Dear captain pre-pube:
you are either: lifting weights too often without enough stretching and food/protien
lifting too much weight
or using improper technique

Ask your dad/brother/coach/older friend, to spot you and make sure you are using the right technique and amount of weight.. and eat healthy foods.. such as bannanas, low fat meats, eggs, protein shakesHealth Question & Answer

you are too young to be lifting heavy weight.. If you can only get to 10 or less reps its too heavy- you should be able to get to atleast 12 reps.. At this stage in your growth you will likely stunt the growth of your bones because the heavy pressure will cause bone platelets to close & fuse..
better to hold off on the heavy lifting until you're closer to
16 yrs oldHealth Question & Answer

If it really hurts, you're probably not lifting them correctly in a right position.. Or it may be that you didn't stretch yet or over doing it..

Start slow first.. Do a couple one day, and the next day add on.. Sometimes when it feels heavy, that means it's working.. Be sure to rest your muscles too because that gives them time to grow..Health Question & Answer

let the puberty settle, and then get into shape..
your body is changin all over the place, and your putting stress on yourself, building muscle, and going through puberty....
lift weights when you are confirmerd you are done going through puberty, but not exactly done growing....
good luck!Health Question & Answer

it depends on how often you lift weights.. it could be because you do it too much and your muscles are sore.. or sometimes when u are buliding muscle, your arms are already working on the muscles so they are too tired to work anymore.. but dont worry about it.. give it a week or so more and it will get better..Health Question & Answer

when your muscles grow they actually tear to build and because you are young it might take longer for them to build and you might be weaker while they are building, lol ...... i dont know if that makes much sense but that may be why try to lift lighter weights and work your way back up..Health Question & Answer

use light weights but high repetitions with the exercise that you're using the weights for.. dont use heavy weights because it'll damage you in the long term and you wont grow.. wait until your at least 16 before you move onto heavier weights.. Health Question & Answer

this happend to me in weight tranning you have to take it slow and if its to heavy go to a lighter weight
and then step it up a little after a while
and oh puberty does make you feel weaker at sometimes does it to me to.. im 15Health Question & Answer

Actually you should lift waits when you are growing because- well, because you are growing.. Just start small and eventually you'll get up there.. Eat right..

and that's all you can do..Health Question & Answer

to much heavy weight in the stage when a persons growing most affects there grow in generally and can also cause body problems to do with e..g.. muscles and bones

so don't start lighting weight for another 2 yearsHealth Question & Answer

hey maybe it's because your growing im 12 and when i lift weights i get in trouble because our body isint readyfor that.. Health Question & Answer

i do weights in puberty :S:

maybe you were just having a tired or off day..
dont do anything to strain youreself though

brodytom66@yahoo..comHealth Question & Answer

ur not lifting the weights correctlyHealth Question & Answer

your body is sore form the workoutHealth Question & Answer

you were working out to hard in the beginning and got sore.? idkHealth Question & Answer

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