Why is it that guys feel safer when they are more stoic and tough?!

Question: Why is it that guys feel safer when they are more stoic and tough.?
Every time I am vulnerable with my girlfriend, I feel insecure.. I know that this is counter productive, but I do it almost every time.. It seems that when I am just talking about everyday stuff, I feel safer.. Last night I shared some of my feelings etc, and instantly I feared the demise of our relationship.. This is not related to her behavior, it
In addition to environmental influences (how men are raised) there are hormonal influences that affect the way men act..

I think you have every right to feel the way you do and the fact that you are able to speak (write) freely of your experience shows that you are capable of expressing your feelings, something that many men lack.. Its great to talk about these things.. If you haven't already, let your girlfriend see what you have written, or talk with her about it..

You have every right to be tough in public to assert your pride as a man as long as you consider the feelings of others.. In private, with those whom are close to you it should be easier to let down walls.. I too have to constantly remind myself to put myself in the shoes of my wife to better understand her point of view.. As a guy its tough, but doable..

You seem like an in-touch guy and I'm sure you can solve your dilemma.. Good luck to you my friend.. Health Question & Answer

It's not just guys.. It's people in general, though not everyone realizes it.. When you open up to somebody you are giving them the ability to hurt you.. When you don't allow yourself to get close with someone you are keeping yourself from caring enough about them for them to be able to hurt you.. Think about it - When was the last time a mere acquaintance hurt your feelings.? It's natural to feel safer when you are tough and not close to somebody because you ARE safer..Health Question & Answer

Societal expectations..Health Question & Answer

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