To circumcise or not to circumcise that is the question?!

Question: To circumcise or not to circumcise that is the question.?
my son was not circumcised at birth he is now 10 months should i have him circumcised when he gets older or should i leave it up to him i heard that he'll thank me for not doing it later in life.. does it really fell better not to be circumcised during sex Health Question & Answer

I would definitely advise you not to circumcise.. It is unnessecary, painful, and not without serious risks.. Here is some information, with links, to help you make your decision........

First, only 50% of boys nationwide are circumcised.. You may actually find that your son is in the minority in the locker room if you cut him.. (I don't advocate making this decision on those grounds, but if you were leaning towards doing it because you don't want him to be "different", you should know that the boys will be pretty evenly split between cut and intact and noone will think intact is weird)

Second, it is VERY painful to an infant.. Most doctors still don't use any anesthesia, those that do rarely offer adequate anesthesia because the only stuff that works is not safe enough to use in infants for such a "minor" procedure.. Further, some of the pain meds offered to infants aren't even reccomended for use on babies! Further, some doctors argue that it has beenb done "for thousands of years" without anesthetic- what they neglect to tell you is that a medical circumcision can take over 15 minutes to complete.. A Jewish ritual circumcision, by contrast, takes under 60 seconds to complete (and the bay is given wine) Here is some info on the pain.........." rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow"> (note in this one that even infants offered pain meds for the procedure showed signs of post traumatic stress!)

You should also know that studies have shown that the most sensitive parts of the male anatomy of ON the foreskin- NOT the head of the penis.. By cutting off the foreskin, you remove a mans most errogenous genital tissue.. Here is a study about that........ (note that other studies found no difference, but they neglected to test the sensitivty of the foreskin- they only tested the glans penis of intact and cut men and didn't pay any attention to the foreskin at all)" rel="nofollow">

You should know that infant boys are EASIER to care for when they are intact.. The foreskin does not retract until late childhood or even puberty, so you do nothing special, just wipe the outside of his penis clean and leave it alone.. In a cut boy he will be extremely sensitive for a few weeks because the head of the penis is raw and exposed (they have to tear the foreskin off of the head in infants, it is naturally fused).. During this time you will need to keep it VERY clean and may need to cover the wound with vaseline and guaze.. Furthermore, to prevent painful and bleeding erections later in life, doctors are now commonly leaving more skin behind- in a cut boy this means you may have to push the left over skin back at every diaper change and clean beneath it to prevent it from readhereing or infecting.. The very thing that mother's think they avoid by circumcising! In short-

Intact = wipe like a finger, NEVER retract
Cut= vaseline, clean thoroughly, push back remaining skin to prevent adhesions etc (the last step perhaps for several months or years)

Here is an excellent tutorial on the basics of intact care and circumcision........" rel="nofollow">

Another factor in your decision is that circumcised boys experience a 12% increase in their risk of MRSA infection.. MRSA is commonly picked up in hospitals (where circumcision is performed in non-sterile conditions) and has been known to kill adults.. I wouldn't want to deal with it in an infant.. also, 12% is a BIG risk, the risk of a boy "needing" a circ later in life is WELL below that- under 1%.." rel="nofollow">

The so called "benefits" of circumcision are generally trumped up.. A big one now is that it "prevents" AIDS.. All the studies showing "benefits" like this have been poorly designed and inconclusive.. also, for every study that finds a "benefit" there are more studies that find no benefit.." rel="nofollow">

It is rather eye-opening to see how circumcision first became popular in the US to begin with.. It was virtually unknown in this country until the 20th century.. This slideshow takes you through the rise of circumcision........ .com/watch.?v=f4unKTMpBGA" rel="nofollow">

Finally, you should watch a video or two of the procedure so you are fully informed of what your infant will go through.. I will warn you that these are graphic.. If you can't handle watching them as an adult, why would you expect your infant son to endure them.?

There are two main methods for circumcision here is one of each-

Gomco Clamp- note that the father is in the room, and the doctor claims to have used anesthesia (although whether or not he did is debateable, and he is dissmissive about the whole idea)" rel="nofollow">

Plastibell- I include this because some parents will have you believe it is "painless" or "requires no cutting/blood" I'll let you judge for yourself..........
.com/watch.?v=qaqQ5Glro84" rel="nofollow">

Congrats on the new addition! I'm sure given all the facts, you'll make the right decision for your son.. :) -NebHealth Question & Answer

Yes uncircumcised guys are more sensitive and studies show it can be better for the woman too.. My bf is uncut and it's great, I know he wouldn't want it to be done and I wouldn't either.. I think if your son is already 10 months presumably you know how to take care of his penis (don't pull the foreskin back) and aren't having any problems, by this age it's not such a great idea to get it done (not that I think it's good at any age).. also you're leaving the choice up to him.. There are loads of circumcised guys here who complain about having been circumcised with nobody asking them.. Plus in your son's generation circumcision is not as common.. So I recommend leaving him be.. Good luck!

HarrietHealth Question & Answer

yup-leave it be.. And if it ever needs cutting-just cut to the tip of the glands-leave the coverage.. The biggest reason for cutting later in youth is that the skin is too tight and teh smigma and dead skin cells cause irritation and infection.. If this were the case, remove only that skin that hangs past the glands is needed, not that skin covering the glands.. But even then that overhang can be stretched and cutting not needed that often..

But by the time he's 16 to 19yo, it will be fully retractable and no problems.. BUT- you need to get dad on board and help your son thru the years.. If dad is cut, he'll need to "learn" about the care of uncuts AND teach that to his son/sons.. There's nothing HOMOPHOBLIC about a father teaching his sons about their bodies and how to care for it.. That's one big thing the USA needs to get over!

Here's a few good reads and views:

1.. .org/studies..htm" rel="nofollow">

2..(the video, it's a brit ad but the info on teh uncut penis is 100% accurate)," rel="nofollow">

Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

I prefer uncircumcised men, and on the whole I have found them to be more sensitive..

Nowadays only about 50% of boys are circumcised in the US, and as with all surgeries, there is a chance of it going wrong.. There are plenty of pics on the net of the complications you can get..

At least if you leave it intact, if he wants to choose later he can.. If you get him circumcised he will never have a choice..Health Question & Answer

I would urge you to consider leaving him intact, as nature intended, for his own sake..

Please consider the implications of this article;

From Medical News Today 09 JUN 2008

Newborn Circumcision: The Controversy Revisited

" --The jury is still out,byt the take home message was that circumcision is not without its complications and one of these complications is death.."
" It appears to be a risky procedure with truly little medical indication in the newborn period.."

--Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA) May 17-22, 2008 Orange County Convention Center-Orlando, Fla..
reported by

In my particular case, circumcision destroyed more than the average sensitivity due to the nerve damage sustained.. I was unable to achieve orgasm in normal sex, and didn't discover what the problem was for years.. It destroyed my sex life, and I hate my parents (deceased) and the medical profession for mutilating me..

Other complications from this unnecessary and barbaric procedure include gangrene, catastrophic infection, adhesions, and about 10% of circumcisions result in the necessity for additional surgeries to attempt to correct complications resulting from the first one..

Is your son's life and future sexual well-being worth the risk.?

80% of the men in the world are intact, and they and their partners seem to enjoy it.. I never heard of a foreskin killing anyone, but I have certainly heard about deaths from circumcision and have experienced a major complication from it myself..

I hope to spare others from the experience that I had, and urge you to consider this answer before making a final decision..

A foreskin is not a birth defect; it is a birthright..

Incidentally, if you do leave him whole and intact, don't let anyone retract his foreskin; infant's and toddler's foreskins are fused to the glans, and don't normally retract until about the age of 8 or so, doing so will cause complications and pain to your son.. You can contact NOCIRC for more information.. It was founded by Marilyn Milos, a nurse who saw the brutality of circumcision and refused to be a party to it..Health Question & Answer

Boys who are not circumcised need to be taught how to clean their penis.. This means gently pulling back the foreskin and cleaning the glans on a regular basis - and you need to do it while he is young.. Soooooooooooo - if you can't or don't want to deal with this, get him circumcised..

Health Question & Answer

As a mom of two intact boys I've done a lot of research.. The foreskin has 20,000 nerve endings in it.. The head of the penis has 4,000.. By comparison, the clitoris has 8,000.. So an uncircumcised man with a grand total of 24,000 nerve endings to pleasure himself feels three times what we women feel!

Most intact men I've heard of are happy to be intact and wouldn't want it any other way.. A lot of circumcised men hate being circumcised.. Check out this other question..;_ylt=AsiHxouL_fFts..Mi5ZnvmuMAAAAA;_ylv=3.?qid=20080813174326AAIHvRK" rel="nofollow">;......

Here's a website where men (and women) tell of their circumcisions.. Some of these men have gone into therapy to help deal with their feelings.." rel="nofollow">

Google "foreskin restoration" or check out the NORM website and you'll learn about all the men who wish they had a foreskin and are going to great lengths to regrow theirs.. (By stretching their skin..) A lot of circumcised men say they're happy the way they are, but it seems like most who were circumcised as teens or adults wish they hadn't been..

Health Question & Answer

He will have his own decision to make when he gets much older.. But not now.. And if you have him circumcised, and once he grows up and he actually didn't want it, he would have hated you forever because you took his sex life away..

Just leave it up to him..Health Question & Answer

Why would you have him circumcised.. I don't understand removing part of your son's penis.. There is no logical reason to do this.. Please don't mutilate is genitals.. You have made the right decision.. Far fewer people circumcise than do circumcise..Health Question & Answer

I think you should leave it up to him.. I mean, you wouldn't have wanted your parents to cut parts off your body when you were a baby, would you.? If he wants to get it done when he grows up, he'll have that choice..Health Question & Answer

Damn , everybody just shutup about circumcise hurting people.. It doesn't hurt and most girls prefer guys who are circumcise..
also it is my much cleaner , and most of all Girls think it is sexy

Im so glad my parents circumsize me..Health Question & Answer

If it's done at all, it should be HIS choosing, not yours.. Wait until he's of legal age and let him decide if he wants to mutilate his body..
Health Question & Answer

i would say leave it up to him, ask him wen u give him the sex talk at like 12 or 13 and just ask if he would like to be circumsizedHealth Question & Answer

leave it to the kid to decide

but teach him how to clean it

i wish i wasn't circumsized..Health Question & Answer

why would you consider this at 10mths .?
my bf isnt circumsised and i prefer it that way ..Health Question & Answer

Just do it much later..
Mine happened when I was 12..Health Question & Answer

i am and i'm glad about it, i think it's betterHealth Question & Answer

NOT.. I'd be really mad at the world if I didn't have that part of me..Health Question & Answer

Get him circumcised.. Boys that aren't circumcised are much more open to infections like yeast.. They are also more open to S..T..D..'s.. WOmen also prefer men that are circumcised over those that aren't.. as far as the sexual feeling goes the doctor does not remove 100% of the skin and guys that are circumcised still have enough skin to have fantastic sensitivity.. If you were my mom I would be real ticked off at you for not having me circumcised..Young boys are not good about keeping anything clean and when they don't keep their penis clean they will get infections and he will not be happy about that or about having to go to the doctor to get it taken care yea get him circumcised now..Health Question & Answer

Some call it a religious issue and some call it a health issue,....
I think it's YOUR preference!
My suggestion would be to DO IT !!
It's cleaner and this ((( trend))) about (( I am un cir-sixed ))) is just that!
Plus it ismuch more pleasureable for the man to have good oral sex if the gentials are free of skin and air exposed ,..................constantly!
Much cleaner and smells better !!
Good luck

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