Do Sugary Foods Cause Diarrhea?!

Question: Do Sugary Foods Cause Diarrhea.?
Yesterday, I ate seasoned-curly fries, a 24oz.. shake, and about 4 scoops of ice cream, and a Coke.. (don't worry; there was a separation of time between the shake and ice-cream)

Last night, I had a very short bout of diarrhea, without any nausea or weakness or anything..

I was pretty sure that it was caused from too much sugary food-stuff..

I always make sure to practice washing my hands and keeping clean, so I'm pretty sure that the diarrhea was caused by too much sugar from the food I recently ate..

Am I correct.?

Health Question & Answer

I doubt its the sugar..
I'll bet good money you've got a slight lactose intolerance which means your body struggles to absorb the sugar (ironically) called lactose that occurs naturally in milk/dairy (the shake and ice cream)..
As a mild intolerance you can consume smaller amounts w/o a prob but ingesting a larger amount causes an upset stomach as your body doesnt produce the enzyme 'lactase' in large enough quantities..
Your body alters as you get older and what you, for instance, could easily digest at 16 may be harder to digest at 17 which would be why you may not have experienced this before..Health Question & Answer

Typically sugary foods don't cause diarrhea..

More likely culprits would be the dairy...... even though there was some time in between.. Or the fat, along with the fat in the fries, from the dairy..

One thing I would keep an eye out for...... if you find that you get diarrhea again after anything dairy, you might want to have a visit with your doc and see if any lactose-intolerance testing is in order..

If I were a betting man, and I am, I'd bet on fats over sugars in that diet..Health Question & Answer

It sounds more like you over did the dairy products, the shake, and ice cream.. Both were large servings, normal would have been more like
8-12 oz shake and 2 scoops of ice cream
Take note in the future on your dairy intake.. You may have some lactose intolerance problems..
More the diary than the sugar content..Health Question & Answer

Wow- heart attack overload! I know sometimes when I have too much greasy food I get that effect.. I'm not sure if too much sugar, or maybe the simple fact of too much junk in your tummy for it to handle! I also get that effect sometimes from cappuccinos so maybe it was all the dairy you ate! Health Question & Answer

I got a bad case of diarrhea once from eating too many sweet cherries.. A MD told me it was from the sugar in the cherries..Health Question & Answer

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