Is there something wrong with my boyfriend?!

Question: Is there something wrong with my boyfriend.?
My boyfriend and I are both 19 years old and we have been together for almost 2 years.. When we first started having sex it was 2 to 3 times a day now that we have been together for a while we are down to having sex only a few times a week.. That isn't really the main problem.. What I am concerned about is that right when we are about to have sex and my boyfriend just gets an erection it will go limp right before he starts to enter, and then we have to try and get it back which is not very successful.. Does anyone have any ideas.?

A doctor is out of the option until January when my boyfriend can get his insurance plan back..

So any suggestions.?Health Question & Answer

Think back to the order of events, it's a which came first the chicken or the egg thing..

Did he lose interest FIRST and then start having erection problems.?......


Did he FIRST have problems with erections, and then lose interest.?......

If he lost interest first, he may be depressed or anxious or having a lot of stress in his life now, that is one sign of depression or stress.. The more he fears not getting an erection, the more he sets himself up for failure..

If he lost erections first he may have lost interest in you, or he can still be depressed..

One thing that a therapist asks about are nocturnal erections, meaning erections during sleep or on just waking up..

If he can't have those it it usually a physical problem, if he can, but not in real time, it is usually psychological..

Talk to him, but he may not want to, just be as supportive as possible..

One more thought.. You said his insurance does not start until Jan, has he lost a job recently.? Money issues cause stress, depression and/or anxiety.. Has he recently started a new job, that's stress provoking as well.. Keep in mind our brains are the most powerful sex organ we have, if something is botheringus there, it often will cause sex problems in men and women..Health Question & Answer

Well okay don't be too concerned! Try foreplay..........that sometimes helps! Try sexy outfits, oral sex, lap dances, dancing for him! Usually if there isn't foreplay the body is like okay I already know what I'm getting! There's no excitement! If there is there is a better chance that wont happen! If not it could be a number of things like stress or being tired that could contribute to it! If that doesn't work try laying off sex for a few days and then try again! You may be having sex too much!Health Question & Answer

With all seriousness, he could try a "**** ring".. It needs to be applied as soon as he's erect.. That will prevent the blood from flowing back out of the penis.. The one thing you need to be careful of is leaving it on too long.. It isn't good to cut of circulation for too long.. The other thing is that he won't ejaculate (he will still have an orgasm)..Health Question & Answer

Are you on a good method of birth conftrol AND using condoms.? both of them.? because he might be getting some anxiety about you getting pregnant or somthing and it's distracting him a little bit..

You can also try using a **** ring..

-ConnorHealth Question & Answer

try something new, try and spice things up.. lingerie, new positions, new tricks.?Health Question & Answer

my suggestion is not to put pressure on him and make sure he is ready and relaxed if you love him this should be your main objective anyway Health Question & Answer

viagra.?Health Question & Answer

he may be bored with you and lack sexual desiresHealth Question & Answer

maybe there,s something else on his mind at the time, that will do it..Health Question & Answer

Well try viagra lol idk..

Cheers!Health Question & Answer

suck on him make sure he is really hard and flirt like theres no tomorrowHealth Question & Answer

It is frustrating, but it seems to be an issue about his mind.. The mind can get comfortable, and not be excited anymore.. He could be really really happy that you're about to have sex, to the point where he gets too excited and shuts down.. It could also be that its too routine, mix it up some, surprise him with it, wear outfits, play with toys, there are endless possibilities.. Maybe he is thinking about something else, maybe he wants more out of your sex life than what you're doing.. He may have other turn-ons that you are not exploring.. I say if you haven't talked to him about these things give it a shot.. Health Question & Answer

hopefully I will not sound like a prude here but I do speak from some experience.. first problem is you are having sex with your b/f.. Should be with your husband.. second i presume that he is not the first guy you've had sex with.. The problem lies with the fact sex is not a special thing that is preserved for the one you will spend your life with.. I understand that at 19 it's all about the sex.. rest assured the older you get the less you will have.. you have not reached your peek yet you b/f has.. as someone else answered you there has to be some excitement in it to make one want it.. if he knows he can have it (which is obvious he can) then it does not mean as much when he gets it.. if he couldn't have it until he was married to you then it would mean much more to him when he got it and it would be more special and therefore more stimulating.. so with compromising my principles and telling you what to do to make your sex life better.. i have given you hints inside of what i said that did answer your question just not an outright answer..Health Question & Answer

Unfortunately you guys have fallen into a rut and your boyfriend has basically lost interest having sex with you.. I know that sounds harsh, but it's the truth.. It's become routine, almost boring.. When you guys first went out, sex was fast, furious and frequent because the passion and excitement was there.. What you guys need to do is spice things up a bit.. Lingerie works great! Wear a short dress around the apartment when you guys are alone, and pretend you're not interested! Men love the chase, if you give it up all the time with no hassle, no "fight" he won't want it as bad.. He'll never turn it down, but it won't be fun.. And go a week without it, tease, play some, he'll be harder than chinese arithmetic in no time!Health Question & Answer

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