Pain in testicles, lower abdomen etc HELP !!?!

Question: Pain in testicles, lower abdomen etc HELP !!.?
Hi people, just needed a lil help well about 6 months ago when running i felt slight pain in my lower left abdoment from then on i would get it sometime.. Mainly when on a treadmill not too bad when on grass.. About 1 month ago i starting sneezing and got a sharp pain from my lower left abdomen shooting to my left testicle, i went to the doctor and my testicle was due to see a sports trauma specialist in 10 days but the region of pain has increase i now feel pain in my lower left and right abdomen, my testicles and my left groin also ive been told that it isnt a what do you guys think it is please help.?.?Health Question & Answer

Hey when i was readin that, i was definitely thinking hernia.. Are you SURE its not that.?

As people as mentioned, it could be a simple muscle strain which will go away in time..

Otherwise i think it could be 'gilmores groin.. This is the name for a condition with the following symptoms:
- Abdominal and groin pain following sport that gets progressively worse..
- Pain typically reproduced with coughing and sneezing..
- Groin pain when squeezing the legs together..

Its common it people who play kicking sports like football.. Or running can bring it on too.. If this is what it is, dont worry, its quite simple to treat.. Treatment mainly involves strengthening the muscles of the pelvic region.. The sports trauma specialist should work this all out, so relax, you'l be fine :)Health Question & Answer

i had this 2 or 3 months ago.. i never went to the doctors about it but did alot of research on the net.. i think it was just a strain as it occurred while i was doing leg exercises on the machine.. i have never had the pain since either.. i try and stay of the machine i got the pain on lolHealth Question & Answer

It could be a groin strain, but you would an awful lot of horrible bruising if it was that.. Could be a mild tear..Health Question & Answer

you've strained yourself so lay off the exercise for a while and it should get betterHealth Question & Answer

my husband not so long ago had similar symptoms to what you are having now and he went to the doctors and was told the same thing, so I took it a pone myself to do some research in to it and this is what i came up with..........What is testicular torsion.?

Testicular torsion usually only appears in young boys and is most common in their teenage years but is also sometimes seen in men up to the age of 30 or on rare occasions older men..

The testicles are nourished by the blood vessels, which together with the nerves and the sperm channels pass through the spermatic cord from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum..

The testicles hang loose in the scrotum and in rare cases they are twisted, so that the channel with the blood vessels is tightened.. This blocks the bloodflow to the testicles..

What does testicular torsion feel like.?

Boys with testicular torsion get sudden pain and swelling of the scrotum.. The testicles become sore.. The condition may be so painful that it causes nausea and vomiting.. It will mimic infection (acute epididymo-orchitis) but it is very important to seek urgent treatment..

How is testicular torsion treated.?

Immediate surgery - ideally within six hours of the pain starting - is the recommended treatment..

The torsion that has tightened the blood vessels is removed and the failed blood circulation to the testicles is brought back to normal..

In order to prevent torsion happening again, the testicles are sewn to the innerside of the scrotum (testicular fixation).. It is usual to fix the opposite testicle at the same time..

In cases where the circulation of blood has been blocked for a long time it may be necessary to remove the testicles.. The operation is called orchidectomy..

If only one testicle is removed the ability to reproduce will not be affected..

Based on a text by Per Grinsted, GP

Last updated 06..07..2005 ............also check out the bit about infection (acute epididymo-orchitis)........ good luck and i hope i've been a help p..s take some pain killers;)Health Question & Answer

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