Feeling sick, male teenager???!

Question: Feeling sick, male teenager.?.?.?
Im 16 years old and for about the last year i keep feeling sick basically everyday, mostly in the mornings and it tends to fade away in the afternoon.. Im never actually sick but it just makes me feel really bad.. I went to the doctor in may and she said it was because of exam stress.. but i finished exams ages ago, and have little to be worried about.. She gave me pills to calm slow digestion but they didnt do that much to be honest.. I dont take them now but it just annoys me because its every morning and the feeling comes from the lower part of my stomach, sort of around and below the belly button.. I have not had sex at all although am an average teen.. Can anyone give me any advice as its really weird, is it just my age.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

i get this sometimes..
im an easily worried person though....are you.?.?
are you thinking of something.? something at the back of your mind.? cause if you are, its that..
if not, it could just be a phase.. I get this.. And it lasts about a month and goes away, comes back, goes away......
Could be IBS [irritable bowel syndrome]....has any of your family got it.?.? could increase your chances....
does it get stronger after eating.? because mine does....its weird....
try and cut down on foods that are bad for you....avoid crisps or anything that makes you bloat....
it is annoying to feel sick all day....ive had it and it annoys me SO much....just try and ignore it, continue as normal, drink plenty of water to flush an toxins that might be in your system, and eat healthy, exercise, massage the stomach area,
good luck :) might be just a 'teen thing' im 18 and i get it....
Health Question & Answer

This is totally weird since there is no reason ,mentally,why you are feeling like this every day:think you need a trip to the Dr and ask if an abdomen echo can be made..
That's the best advice i can give you
Had the same..
Had an infestation of an unknown strain of bacteria:been treated and it has passed :I am no longer sick every day..
SpaceHealth Question & Answer

This might sound a bit daft but do you eat any breakfast.? If not even though not hungry, try either toast or cereal and tea/coffee - no fizzy drinks, and see if that helps..
If you try this and it dosn't work go back to the Docs..
I am wondering if you are full of wind in the mornings due to empty tum, and by the afternoon you have had something to eat..
Logical.?.?Health Question & Answer

It might be Irritable Bowel Syndrome.?
Or something like that, I'm not an expert..Health Question & Answer

Find another Doctor and get a second opinion.. This is not normal for a guy your age..
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Seriously you do need to get a second opinion,this is not right..Health Question & Answer

You already got 9 answers about this today
Why ask it again.?Health Question & Answer

Part of it could be the puberty factor.. In the meantime, make sure you get up early enough each morning to eat a good breakfast to get your day started off right.. If you just grab a glass or juice or milk & run out the door - then in a short while you will begin to get hunger pangs.. Try to eat a healthy balanced diet with plenty of vegetables.. Lay off the junk food & too many starches.. Drink plenty of water to help keep the traffic flowing.. Avoid Fast Food Restaurants like the plague.. Try briskly walking for 30 minutes each morning & again each evening to help maintain optimum health.. Try to get a good nite's sleep each nite.. That means turning off the TV & video games & computer at a reasonable hour so you can get 6 to 8 hours sleep.. You use a lot of energy, mentally & physically at school & you need to replenish all that spent energy each day.. Good Luck..Health Question & Answer

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