How much time does it take to refill ones testes after having sex or masturbation?!

Question: How much time does it take to refill ones testes after having sex or masturbation.?
You have an error in your question.. The testes do not fill.. They supply a constant rate of sperm to your seminal vessels..

The filling up that I think you are talking about is semen, which is not created in the testes, but are part of three other organs.. Seminal vessel, Prostate, and Cowpers glands are the three..

The amount of semen is seen as the amount of fluid these three organs can discharge and at what rate..

First lets start off with amount.. Amounts varry from person to person and are as unique as fingerprints.. About 3 or 4 sessions of masturbation in a row will depleat the average male to a point where very little will come out from further sessions..

The time it takes to refill it to its maximum capacity could be anywhere from 8 hours to 1..5 days or so.. Drinking enough water can be key because if the body is not getting hydrated correctly then it will of course produce less..

The numbe of things that can effect this rate of recharge is difficult to determine but clearly some things can slow it down, and lack of hydration is one such component..

Aside from this, it is important to note that even empty a male can still continue to masturbate and to orgasm since the the two have little relation, and are considered independent functions..

The testes in the other hand continue to do their job as such.. Their output by volume is very small by comparison to the other three organs.. 8 million sperms can fit on the head of a pin.. the fluid part is only a carrier for them.. Its their food and mobility that semen supplies..

So the testes do not fill up or anything.. Hope this helps....

Health Question & Answer

As said, your testicles don't refill They don't empty either.. They only contribute a drop or so of sperm to the semen.. Other glands produce most of the liquid semen, and an average guy can usually ejaculate again in 45 minutes or so, though some can do it right away or have to wait up to 24 hours.. Every guy is different..Health Question & Answer

Excellent question! The minimal duration of time between two ejaculations is known as the refractory period which can average 10-55 minutes in a healthy adult male however may be much shorter in the adolescent male.. The shortest documented time was 1..7 seconds achieved by 18 year old Norman Goldstein of New York who won first and third place in a masturbation contest.. Health Question & Answer

To fully recover.? It differs from man to man, but generally speaking you should be back to full capacity within a few hours..

That's not to say you can't have sex again, that could be a matter of minutes or under an hour, or even immediately after if you're able to keep it up..Health Question & Answer

Your testes don't get refilled, for they just produce sperm..Health Question & Answer

how old are you Health Question & Answer

lol......idk......maybe 5 minutes.?Health Question & Answer

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