Should the United States ban forced circumcision of males?!

Question: Should the United States ban forced circumcision of males.?
Finland has done this, should the owner of the penis not have the right to their own body.? to experience the full experience of being male.?

the american association of pediatrics has never recommended it being routine and the supposed benefits don't provide any real benefit till the child is olderHealth Question & Answer

I wish it would be illegal to do to male infants as it's illegal to do anything like that to females' genitals, and it's not fair.. A boy should have the right to have his whole body, not have parts removed for no good reasons just because his parents want to.. I don't think it will become illegal for a while, but fortunately rates are dropping as the USA is finally waking up and realising it's not a good thing to do..

I don't think the parents should have the right to modify their baby's body according to their religious belief, the child might have a different religion when they get older, they might lapse/convert..

HarrietHealth Question & Answer

Infant circumcision is infant sexual abuse, assault and mutilation, and a violation of the basic human right to a whole and intact body..

The only benefit of circumcision goes to the doctors who make money from it and are frequently members of the minority religions that try to impose this practice on others.. That's one of the reasons that the scourge of circumcision became so widespread in the US in the first place..

It is illegal to circumcise female minors in the US.. Where is equal protection under the law for males.? This is sexist in the extreme..
This is unconstitutional..

Even after mutilating millions of infant boys, there aren't any standards for this atrocity, it's frequently botched and has caused deaths and maimed thousands..

Parents who love their children don't mutilate them..

A whole, intact, natural and normal penis feels and functions better than a scarred, mutilated and partial one, how could it be any different.?

Parents currently have a legal right to mutilate their children, but I state that they don't have a moral right to do this.. If one of my parents doesn't like my nose, my ears, my fingers, my toes, does that give them the right to chop them off.?

Look at one of the circumcision videos on the internet, and tell me that it's not cruel, barbaric and sadistic.. Only perverts advocate and practice genital mutilation on infants, and it's time to recognize this fact..Health Question & Answer

The moment you start banning something like this you are infringing upon parental rights and then what comes next.. Such legislation would never past muster in the US Supreme Court.. We have enough government regulation now, we do not need the government intruding into a personal choice or the right of parents to make decisions for themselves and their children.. It could lead to such legislation as to how many children a family could have.. It has endless limits of government intrusion.. This indeed would be a very slippery slope, and one that we should stay away from.. Religious freedoms could be next.. Health Question & Answer

To eddie, there is no loss of sensitivity, only the body adapting to the head being exposed.. There is no reduction in sexual satisfaction..

also, restoring the foreskin does not restore nerves.. Nerves never grow back..

And no, to the question.. outlawing something that has insignificant either way is more like facism.. Especially because it is several people's religious beliefs..Health Question & Answer

i think its the really the parents decision, but i dont c y u wouldnt wanna be cised.. if your not, then you can just get cut, and it makes it look bigger anyways..Health Question & Answer

they can but it would be seriously lame because at that age kids dont even remember anything although it seems cruel it is semi-beneficial at a cost loss of sensitivity for lower chance of getting blood transmitted STD's and an overall clean lookHealth Question & Answer

absolutely, nobody's genitals should be mutilated without their consent, everyone has the right to their own genitalsHealth Question & Answer

I think it should not be done until the male is older and can make that choice for himself..Health Question & Answer

noHealth Question & Answer

It should be, maybe someday it will be..Health Question & Answer

uh no.? most of the gov officials are circumcised ne ways who the **** would create/vote for a bill like thatHealth Question & Answer

Yes, I believe the US should ban forced circumcision of males.. It absolutely goes against everything this country values and was built upon.. People left Europe to seek a better place, a place free of oppressive religions and governments, to find a place where they could do things as they wanted and no one would care.. Circumcision totally contradicts that kind of thinking.. The boy himself has no say in the matter; that is the largest problem with it.. There many other things in this country that are illegal that involve forcing someone into something they had no consent in, (rape and kidnapping, for starters) and the punishment for those is imprisonment, and neither of those involve actually removing a body part.. Circumcision is only allowed because of the stupidity of our nation by not severing all ties the government has with religion and instating laws that protect the individual rights of people, rather than allowing things "in the name of the religion.." If the government had created a law requiring citizens to be mutilated in any fashion remotely similar to circumcision, people would revolt and a new government would be in place, so I cannot see why it is legal for a religion to require it's believers to mutilate the unwilling or non-consenting; This leniency for religion to do this has trickled over into mainstream society, and thus doctors have had it ingrained in their skulls that it's alright to do it, and even have gone as far as to validate it with faulty reasoning.. I think forced circumcision should be stopped and banned, no matter the reason.. Men should be allowed the choice to do with their penis as they will, and their parents, regardless of their motives, should have no right or legal ability to even consider putting a knife to their child's penis.. I am uncircumcised, I am quite proud of that, actually, and I have become very appreciate of my mother allowing me to keep my foreskin.. I have the right to choose what I want to do with my intact penis, and that's one choice that some men never get to have, and I find this wrong, as all men should have the same access to the same choices..Health Question & Answer

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