GUYS: who are circumcised...?!

Question: GUYS: who are circumcised.......?
are you mad at your parents for doing it to you.? (well not technically doing it themselves, but you know what i mean)
in health, we were talking about this, and it made me even more curious, so i googled it, and a lot of guys said that its a horrible thing to do and that the parents arent good parents.. but are you mad at your parents for making you go through that.?
im a idk..

oh......and btw.. im talking about AMERICAN boys.. and circumcision in america..Health Question & Answer

99..99% of circumcised guys just accept the way they are, or are even pleased that their parents thought enough about their future health to have them circumcised.. The tiny percentage who actively resent it usually have other problems with their parents and try to hang all their problems on the circumcision decision..

Nobody circumcised in the first 6 months of their life ever remembers having it done, just as they don't remember their first sets of shots.. It is only when boys are done when no longer infants that they remember it..

I was circumcised at 3 months old and have been grateful to my parents for as long as I can remember for their desire to have me done.. I have no sons, but if I'd had some then I would most definitely have had them circumcised soon after birth for their own good and that of their future partners..Health Question & Answer

I hate both my parents (deceased) for mutilating me, and also the medical profession for promoting and perpetrating this atrocity..

In my case there was more than the usual nerve damage from male genital mutilation.. This resulted in so much loss of sensitivity that I was unable to reach orgasm in normal sex..

Male genital mutilation of infants is infant sexual abuse, assault and a violation of the basic human right to a whole and intact body..

Circumcision of female minors is illegal in the US.. Where is equal protection for males under the law.? This is sexist in the extreme, and unconstitutional..

Male genital mutilation destroys sexual sensitivity, decreases the size of the penis, and can cause complications ranging from death to sexual dysfunction..

Parents who love their children don't mutilate them..

A foreskin is not a birth defect; it is a birthright..Health Question & Answer

Guys who were circumcised at birth have never known anything different and have never (and can never) experience the benefits of having a natural, whole penis.. Therefore, they will say they are glad it was done..
On the other hand, I was not circumcised, so at least if I didn't like it I could make an informed, adult decision and get it done if I wanted to.. Of course I don't though, as my foreskin has only ever brought me pleasure and entertainment, and never any problems..Health Question & Answer

I'm not mad at my parents, I like being "cut".. I've had numerous talks with my boyfriend over it and he doesn't want to circumcise kids if we had any.. I think it's better looking, cleaner and the boy will be less self-conscious about it..

And no, I don't remember it.. I do have a "ring around the collar" from it, but that's normal.. It's a tough choice, but I think it's better to circumcise..Health Question & Answer

I'm circumcised and I'm gonna be as honest as I can with you, cuz you'll get so many differing opinions

..I've researched and there is an opinion that sex feels better being un-circumcised, but on the flip side alot of people say that a circumcised penis looks more apealing..

Health Question & Answer

Well, I've heard reports that uncircumcised sex is better for the guy, and it's traumatizing when they're first born..

On the other hand, most uncircumcised kids aren't taught proper hygiene for their penis, and I've heard girls prefer circumcision.. Health Question & Answer


because at the time, that is the healthiest and safest thing a parent can do for a child

Sometimes I wish I was no longer circumcised, but I am what I am.. So I am completely fine with it :)Health Question & Answer

I would be! I know at least one family member who wasn't too impressed it had been done to him.. My boyfriend is intact though, and I know he's happy about that.. I wouldn't do it if I had sons.. It's not necessary..

HarrietHealth Question & Answer

No,because I believe that it's like women, they have to through pregnancy....And yes, I remember it and won't forget about it..
I would have my son circumcise next yr or 2..Health Question & Answer

Actually, I think it's a good thing because I can wash it easily, and also I can put on a condom easier (if I ever needed to)!Health Question & Answer

I was circumcised a few days after I was born, so I don't remember any thing about it.. Health Question & Answer

i like mine natural..if i met a guy circumcised i wouldnt mind thioughHealth Question & Answer

i am circumcised........ i am very thankful and will do the same when i have kidsHealth Question & Answer

pissed as hell, why because it's damaging sexually, cosmetically and emotionally, there was no arguable reason to do it before I could decide,

Do I still love my parents, yes, but no matter how hard I want to I cannot truly forgive them for the harm they allowed to happen to me

I wish my parents hadn't chosen it for me, when I found out about it I read everything I could, I know tons of information about and have read both pro and anti circumcision websites, I really wanted to believe it was good, but the truth just isn't there, you see and hear all these claims but if you ask for the actual study nobody has them or they are so old and used invalid techniques and would not even be considered for publishing, I wanted to believe it was good but if you look at both sides, circumcising without an immediate medical need makes no sense at all..

I did foreskin restoration restoring what was left (they do leave some foreskin) but it's not all restorable, but what I was able to get back was great.. but this came at a price, I can no longer see circumcision as cosmetic or as if it does not really matter, things that I thought were normal I only realized were problems after I restored and no longer had them, sexual enjoyment is way up.. I can't imagine how much better the real thing is..

people have said in relation to sexual pleasure

and from my experience I agree with the cut/restored numbers

let your son have an entire penis, he only has one life to live, only one chance to feel the full sexual pleasure, if you circumcise him he will never be able to experience it" rel="nofollow">
www..nocirc..orgHealth Question & Answer

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