Why castrated men are prescribed oestrogen pills?!

Question: Why castrated men are prescribed oestrogen pills.?
Just wondering where you find castrated men.?

Men have been castrated when they have prostrate cancer which has gone too far for removal.. The medical world suspected that the testosterone increases the growth and spread of cancer so castration was a practice, and estrogens given to reduce any remaining testosterone in the blood stream..

It has since been found that estrogen is a cancer causing and spreading agent, and our high oestrus background and environment is thought to be one of the main reasons for increases in breast cancer in North America..The closeness and number of PMU (pregnant mare urine) for birth control pills, farms is being regulated, and may polyethylene products give of an artificial estrogen or endocrine disruptor that does the same effect as estrogen..

Is this what you are referring to.?
Me! :- )Health Question & Answer

Me! says something about prostatic cancer being a reason for castration, which I believe is incorrect.. I've known several individuals who had prostate cancer, and never had their testicles removed, they were prescribed estrogen to help stop the spread of cancer..

I had one friend who had testicular cancer, had to have both of them removed, and they gave him testosterone afterwards, to replace the hormones no longer produced by the testicles..Health Question & Answer

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