What does the thyroid control in males is it normal to have thinning hair at 23?!

Question: What does the thyroid control in males is it normal to have thinning hair at 23.?
I am 23 male 5 7 160pounds is it normal for someone my age to have thinning hair.?Health Question & Answer

The thyroid controls metabolism. also, if the thyroid is over active, it can cause thinning of the hair.

If you have concerns, you might consider consulting with your doctor for a blood test called a TSH.Health Question & Answer

I'm not sure if it's normal, but from what I've read so far, men usually start to go bald at around 50-ish.

I'm 21 and already the crown of my head is very very thin. I can see the scalp and even my friends can see just how serious it is now. From what I've noticed, people go bald at around 40-50 years old. And I see people at trains, streets, and the thinning hair people are old. Double my age.

Sorry to be discouraging. But I am feeling depressed right now. I'm panicking too. Dunno about thyroid though...Health Question & Answer

Type in Thyroid Gland Function on your computer & you will get boo coo's of websites w/all kinds of information.
Try going to a Health Food Store & purchasing a good quality brand of B-Complex tablets. When B-Complex hits your blood stream, it goes straight to the scalp & hair. Take exactly as directed. Do NOT exceed suggested dosage. It is so gradual - you may have to take them for 6 months daily before you can tell a noticeable difference and then, probably, only your hair dresser or barber will be able to tell a difference. Good Luck.Health Question & Answer

The thyroid contols primarily body metabolism. Hair loss is usually genitc, and the balness gene is passed by the mother to her sons only, and can start any age that the gene kicks in.

Hope that helps

Me! :- )Health Question & Answer

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