Why do some people have vains poping out?why?!

Question: Why do some people have vains poping out.?why.?
like some mens have reli bad vains sticking out.

what cause this, why, good bad.? anything to do with muscles!.?Health Question & Answer

Veins pop out for many reasons. Blood "flow" in veins is more prominent under certain circumstances such as, elevated levels of glucose in the blood, elevated levels of sodium and possibly even dehydration. Some body builders like to eat or drink something sweet prior to flexing their muscles to make their veins pop out. Sometimes, it's just normal for a guy to have his veins pop out. It's not bad at all. Health Question & Answer

One reason men's veins are more prominent than women's is that women have a subcutaneous layer of fat, which means a layer of fat directly under the skin.

Building muscle makes the veins look even more prominent.Health Question & Answer

its the blood rushHealth Question & Answer

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