Why do you verbally abuse your spouse?!

Question: Why do you verbally abuse your spouse.?

Its not like you had a shot gun wedding. By that I mean, you made conscience choice to marry that person. Why spend the time on someone you hate so much you can't see what the damage you are doing to the person you "love", you "married".? I am not being abused I just keep reading about here in YA. When I say verbally abusive I mean you continue to berate on a daily occurrence. You use your words on your spouse instead of your fists. Until they can not fight back, feel the need to just take your abuse, or/and they feel less the dirt. So you WIN! .......WHYHealth Question & Answer

My, what a loaded question, sort of like the,"when did you stop beating your wife," question.

I don't have a spouse at present, and if I did, I wouldn't verbally abuse her.

Why does a spouse stay with someone who abuses them, either verbally or physically.? In this day and age, there are support groups, shelters and legal methods of dealing with these disgusting abusers.

Abusers rationalize their actions, putting the blame on the abused such as,"you made me to that." They can't and won't admit responsibility for their own actions. It's up to the abused individual to get out of the relationship and take appropriate action against the abuser, otherwise it just gets worse.

It's a very short distance from verbal abuse to physical abuse.Health Question & Answer

Once a bully, always a bully.Health Question & Answer

It does not happen either way. We love each other and appreciate what each other does for our relationship. If you love your partner you would not abuse them in any way.Health Question & Answer

It's like poetry. Health Question & Answer

cuz he's a dipschitHealth Question & Answer

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