Weight lifting question! details inside. please answer!!!?!

Question: Weight lifting question! details inside. please answer!!!.?
Is it better to lift 20 pounds 20 times, or 40 pounds 10 times.?
or 100 pounds 50 times, or 50 pounds 100 times

just examples

for getting bigger muscles in chest, shoulder and biceps/forearms.

should I lift light weight alot of heavy weight not so much.?.?Health Question & Answer

Hmmm, really quite a tough question to answer because of the examples you gave.
If you want bigger muscles you will need to do enough reps to result in hypertrophy (This amount is generally 6-8 reps.) So you need to find a weight that you can lift 6-8 times (maintaining correct form).

But yes, it's better to lift heavier weights fewer times, than light weights with a large amount of repetitions in order to get bigger muscles. Health Question & Answer

Lifting heavy works the best for gaining muscle. (from my experience)
If your doing curls and you can get more then 12 reps, then you might want to increase the weight so you can only do 8 to 10 reps.

Lifting heavy is great for getting stronger and for mass, but your body will get use to the same routine and your muscle gains will come to a stand still. You will need to mix up your workouts and keep your body guessing.
For building larger muscle, the object is to wear down the muscle and have it grow back (after a few days of rest) stronger and bigger then it was before you started to wear them out.
More reps will wear & tear down the old muscle faster. This is a good thing.
I also like to finish my heavy-day workouts with hi-reps of light weight for that nice finishing pump. Health Question & Answer

Lifting light weight for more reps is more of a cardio type workout. Although this will leave you with the "cut/ripped" look, you will not gain a lot of mass. For mass, you want to lift heavy weight at least for 5-8reps. If you're going for a 10-12 rep max, lift a weight that only allows you to get a 12 rep maximum. Google the 5x5 workout. That is a great workout for building mass/size. Most importantly do not try and lift more weight than you can handle. Not only is this a good way to hurt yourself, but it will disrupt your form. Form is a huge part of working a muscle group. Health Question & Answer

20 pounds 20 times
and 100 pounds 50 times

one average rep is around 12-16 times
Health Question & Answer

If you want to get bigger--lift a weight that is so heavy that you can only lift it 6-8 times--

4-6 exercises for each muscle group with 6+ sets per exericseHealth Question & Answer

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