Is it true that boys take viagra?!

Question: Is it true that boys take viagra.?
Is it true that boys take viagra.? When they take it for their penis what does it do for their penis.? Do it make it longer or hard.? I'm curious and I wanna know.Health Question & Answer

it is true, most boys are so nervous that they wont "function" properly and plead to viagra.
it doesnt make it harder or longer, that is just a myth, it just allows them to get an erection easier.
this is mostly psychological though as most boys can get an erection without the use of such.Health Question & Answer

That's kind of a vague question. Millions of people use Viagra, and probably at least some of them are technically "boys" in that they're 18 or younger. It seems unlikely that most Viagra users would be that young, because most teenagers probably don't tend to have problem getting erections.

One study found young people who used Viagra reported that it gave them "enhanced sexual desire and love making and feelings of 'warmth.'" The study also found that women were using Viagra as well.Health Question & Answer

Well, boys will be boys, won't they.?

They will experiment with everything and disregard the risks.

The drug may affect different people in different ways based on many factors.

It will not make it longer, just stay hard for longer.

Sometimes guys can not get hard because of stress or lack of excitement.

If all the girls could not give guys stress, and made them excited, boys just would not need it.

NOW why do all the boys YOU know need viagra .?

Are you doing smthing wrong.?

: )

; )Health Question & Answer

1. How old are you hahah this is quite a question

2. I'll answer your question:
I hope that BOYS aren't taking Viagra. Viagra is for older men (late 40's on up) who can't "get it up" or "keep it up" anymore. Its taken so they can maintain an erection during sex. A normal teenage boy or young man should have enough hormones and enough of a sex drive to be able to have erections without any help. It would probably be dangerous for a younger person to take Viagra if they didn't need it.Health Question & Answer

Viagra is for MEN who have difficulty getting an erection and/or keeping an erection. BOYS should not be taking ANY prescription drug that is not prescribed TO THEM by a doctor. It's just plain stupid and VERY dangerous. If they buy it off the internet there's no guarantee what is in the pill or the strength.Health Question & Answer

most boys do not take viagra
it makes the penis erect or hard
its mainly used for men who have problems getting erect naturally

hope i helped
:)Health Question & Answer

why else would they make the damn pill if guys didnt use it.? think a little!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Health Question & Answer

ok wiagra is for guys that cant get hard onthere ownHealth Question & Answer

just who dont get erectionHealth Question & Answer

I stay away from such things. They may not be good for you. Yes, I am a guy, but I do not take Viagra, period. Health Question & Answer

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