How can I prevent an STD even when I have unprotected sex?!

Question: How can I prevent an STD even when I have unprotected sex.?
Say I wanted to impregnate someone (wife) and we had unprotected sex, how could we make sure there were no infections.?Health Question & Answer

You both need to have a clean bill of health from the doctor saying you have no STDs, and then when you want to have unprotected sex with your spouse you will not be in danger of getting an STD unless one of you is cheating, or unless one of you has HIV and your blood hasn't sero-converted yet (you'd need a blood test and another one in 6 months to rule that out). Health Question & Answer

I concur with the grad student Regime, as a resident of Princeton-Plainsboro and the most respected doctor in my field I have witnessed many averted STD infections resulting from the use of Crisco.

Recent studies have indicated that in wide study tests that applying undiluted fish oil extract and Crisco liberally to the head of the male's penis resulted in the complete invulnerability to all known sexually transmitted diseases 99.999% percent of the time (repeating of course).

Now there is still some ongoing research as to what the cause of this amazing anomalous bacterial and viral averting reaction is. However I would like to note that the studies have not confirmed any products other then the two aforementioned products,

As such I do not recommend going "willy-nilly" and pouring any type of cooking additive onto your scrotum. Make sure if you do plan to use anything at all that it is just the combination of fish oil extract, and Crisco, otherwise there is no guarantee of it's potency.

Edit: I don't know about icy hot as a potential STD "blocker" but I know from first hand experience that it makes for an excellent lubricant!Health Question & Answer

Generally speaking your best bet for not catching an STD from your wife is to marry a woman that doesn't have any STDs. After finding said woman you need to not allow her to have unprotected sex with other men, this is the hard part. Most woman, married or not, have multiple male partners. Studies show that as many as 79% of all married women have AT LEAST one other sexual partner and often times many more than that.

My question to you is this, if you are concerned about the STDs residing in your wife's vagina then why do you want your lovechild growing inside there.? Health Question & Answer

Good question. While at Cornell we had this same discussion and my fellow M.D. grad students discussed this.
Usually if you grease the head of your penis with Crisco or Fish oil (Omega 3 acids help white blood cells block infectious bacteria).

Menthol (like found in products such as Icy Hot) help fume and hold back viruses and bacteria.

If you have any questions you can contact me at Cornell University @
Dr. Andy Bernard
Weill Medical College at Cornell University
(212) 821-0560
Health Question & Answer

you have to go to the dr and get a test for stds or any sign of infection its better to know that way you dont have to have it "ruin the moment" so to speakkk.Health Question & Answer

most forms of birth control act as vaccines to most STDs. One of the few you can't be protected from without condoms is super AIDs, its similar to normal AIDS but is antibiotic resistant.Health Question & Answer

you can't
but you can try by making sure whoever you have sex with doesn't have oneHealth Question & Answer

Have both a check on STD's:if you are both in the clear:you can do what ever you like.
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