I have an odd bump on the shaft of my penis. It kind of looks like a cyst. Will it go away on its own?!

Question: I have an odd bump on the shaft of my penis. It kind of looks like a cyst. Will it go away on its own.?
When I push or squeeze it, it hurts. It seems to have developed nearly over night, as I have not noticed it before. I have not been sexually active yet, but I do masturbate. How was it caused, and will it go away on its own.? it is only one bump. thanks Health Question & Answer

It won't likely go away on it's own, and for sure don't try to pop it.

When you are going to grow pubic hairs on the lower part of the shaft, hair follicles Develop first and they are like little bumps and look white if you squeeze the skin tighter around them. Eventually a hair will grow from the skin pore just above the little bump.

What you describe sounds way bigger, that's why I'm mentioning this so that you will know the difference. If it is a bump or a cyst, you need to have it checked by your physician who will send you to a Urologist if need be, which is unlikely.

Never squeeze a lump on your package unless you know for sure that it is just a zit. If the lump was on one of your dorsal tubes as a weak point, squeezing it could cause it to break, and cause damage as a possible sideways curve to your shaft.

It wasn't caused by masturbation, so don't worry there, and it isn't an std. You still need to get it checked though.

You don't get a spare package, and things questionable there are always worth getting checked.

Wanting the best for you Dude

Me! :- ) Health Question & Answer

you are going to have to get your penis amputated... haha no but its probably just a pimple but you might want to get it checked out to make sure its not a wort and you dont need medication. pop it and if it comes back go to the doctor and have him look, i dont like doctors playing with my penis but you have to do what you have to doHealth Question & Answer

the bump is basically a pimple on your shaft, you have to squeeze it to pop it and take out all the "junk" in there, its gonna hurt like a *****, but you have to do it. you can get it from eating junk, or your just masturbate too much. Health Question & Answer

It could be a cyst. I would advise you to see a doctor just to get it check out. Health Question & Answer

Pop it!Health Question & Answer

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