After a pretty bad motor cycle accident, my penis is signifigantly smaller... why?!

Question: After a pretty bad motor cycle accident, my penis is signifigantly smaller... why.?
It's on vacation. I have heard of this before. traumatic events like serious accidents or sickness or a death of a loved one causes a man to think his penis is smaller. It's weird but it happens. It's psychological and physical. Here is how it goes away. Don't worry about it. what has happened is that your body is reacting to a trauma in your mind. Your penis is designed to make babies. Any man who has a traumatic issue in his head is in no condition to make a baby and take care of a pregnant girl and a baby. So, your mind and body realize this and your penis goes on vacation for a little while until the shock and upset from the traumatic event goes away. It's really all about blood flow. Your penis has not physically gotten smaller!! It just isn't pumping the same amount of blood as it used to. Do not worry about this!! It will be fine. Some men have experienced this do to a bad break up or divorce. a friend or pet dying or a bad accident. More common now is soldiers experience this due to being in a fire fight or just going to active duty in iraq. It's actually a common situation. when your mind clears and you realize that life goes on after the accident and you are distracted by other things like work and hobbies and friends and entertainment your penis will magicly appear larger. Try not to dwell on it and get involved in as much activity as you can. forget about it and eventually you will be back to normal.Health Question & Answer

may be you injured the artery that gets to your penis and its lacking nutrient supply. I have heard that ppl who do regular cycling on racing seats tend to have erectile dysfunction bcoz they jam their perineum on the bicycle seat cutting of supply to penis. May be this is similar case. You might wanna see a doc.Health Question & Answer

Was your penis injured during the accident.?
An accident that did not injure or involve your penis could not make it smaller.
andyHealth Question & Answer

Any chance while healing from your accident you have been less active, gained a few pounds and so looking down it just appears smaller since you might have a little more belly.?Health Question & Answer

There are not enough details to to even hazard a guess,You do not say if there was trauma to the penis itself or anything.Health Question & Answer

I am so sorry for your losses....Health Question & Answer

sounds hot,

like it took one for the team...Health Question & Answer

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