Would it be wierd for a guy to shave his legs?!

Question: Would it be wierd for a guy to shave his legs.?
I am a 16 year old guy and hate hairy legs. would it be weird if i shaved them.?Health Question & Answer

No, it's not weird. Lots of athletes do it. Swimmers, bodybuilders, etc...Go for it. If you like it, who gives a crap, right.?

You can always get an electric trimmer and set it on a low setting so youre not completely smooth, but not looking like Bigfoots kid either.Health Question & Answer

Some men with nice legs shave them to show them off, just as women do. It's a personal choice. Athletes who practice sports with legs exposed (cycling, running, etc.) may shave them so that they look nicer, and in order to reduce water or air resistance.

The main problem is that you have to keep shaving them to keep them smooth, so you have to decide whether it looks good enough to be worth the trouble. And it depends on how hairy your legs are

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