How do people turn GAY?!

Question: How do people turn GAY.?
I'm not Gay either and no thinking about itHealth Question & Answer

i think your born with it Health Question & Answer

Strange that we never think to ask, "how do people turn straight.?" The unspoken assumption is that everyone is naturally straight, and some momentous event causes this orientation to veer away into another direction.

The life experiences related by gays do not bear out this assumption. Most gay adults recall persistent thoughts and fantasies regarding the same sex from their earliest sexual awareness on. I'm not saying that sexual fantasies about the same sex at an early age mean that someone will grow to be gay, there's no way to predict at that age, but gay adults don't report being straight and then "turning gay" in response to some traumatic event. To the contrary, most describe that their youthful trauma ended when they came to accept that their sexual orientation was a natural and good part of their personality, even though it differed from the standards prescribed by the society at large.Health Question & Answer

Some people are born gay, some people turn gay. Many men who realized they were gay didnt realize until after being married to a woman for 10 years. My next door neighbor was like that and he says he was always attracted to women. Then he just became gay one day. I think being rejected by girls too many times could do it. I go to Thailand and theres alot of women that are really guys that walk the streets, but they are so believable as women. Its intimidating to me because they approach me all the time and it scares me, to think that someone could accidentally think they are women, then end up realizing they are really men after its too late and maybe that would transition someone from being straight to not gay but almost gay because they were with a man but a man that looked like a woman and not by choice....but then they might start thinking about what they did and think about it more and more and then maybe turn gay.Health Question & Answer

You need to wake up...

People are born gay, it's just the way they are. It's a fact of life. They are who they are and love who they love. That's all there is to it. No one just decides to be gay one day, they just can't be expected deny their true being.

There are some cases where people become gay because of a traumatic experience or something abnormal in their childhood (such as an abusive or overbearing parent).

In my personal opinion, I think many/most people have the capacity to be gay. A lot of it is pheromones and chemical responses, you can get the same sort of stimulus from either sex. It depends, really, on the person, on their life experience, and other factors.Health Question & Answer

People open your eyes and your ears. I don't believe for a moment that anyone would intentionally "turn Gay," to be ostrasized and isolated against a cruel society because of their sexual orientation. Hasn't anyone else, saw a young loved family member or a friends child struggle through childhood and their teenage years trying desperately to figure out who they are, and you knew they were gay, but they did not---this starts along time before they understand what "Gay " is. Well I for one love my nephew and my niece and accept who they are---the Lord knows they went through purgatory due to closed minds and crueler whispering and confrontational behavior by "straight people." Stop being so homophobic, "Gays" don't want you anyway. Health Question & Answer

The only logic and rational answer has been given by JimR.

It's so hilarious to read answers written by people who have no logical knowledge of homosexuality yet trying to add their two cents. It's like hearing someone ranting against apple pies without having eaten a single apple in their own life.

I've known I was attracted to guys even before I had any conception of sexuality. Then as a teenager, I fought against my attraction so to fit the mold everybody else fell in without any success. I've finally accepted myself for who I was when I was sixteen, after trying to 'convert' myself by dating girls without having any attraction toward them. I'm not proud of saying it, but I've used them.

This is my story and this is also the story of hundreds of gay guys I have met and discussed with within the years. Were we born that way.? No evidence of that. Was it a choice.? Not at all.

So now, who are you to believe.? A guy who has lived this struggle and who is living his life being gay and accepting who he is or any one of these morons who aren't gay and have no knowledge of anything concerning homosexuality but wanting to add their knows-it-all two cents.?

There was a great philosopher who once said "If you don't know what you are talking about, then shut your mouth."Health Question & Answer

I am gay and so there fore have a few theories as to why.
Nature vs Nurture, i believe both have an effect on us.

My father died 2 days after Christmas when i was just nine months old. As such i grew up with little male input to my up bringing for the first eight years of my life (i am now 16). I don't like sports, especially football, cars or any other stereotypical male activities and i put this down to the fact i was never around these things as my mum isn't exactly a football fanatic.
I therefore think that if a lack of male input can affect me that much maybe its also why i am gay, with no father to say "look at the **** or *** on her" you dont ever really look at a woman in that way. (not that im saying my mum was bombarding me with comments about hot males).

Just because no one has never found a gay gene doesn't mean there isn't one, they haven't found a cure for cancer but it doesn't mean its not there.
Secondly my uncle is gay; Two gay people just one generation apart in my family raises some questions to me. It enforces the fact that it could be partly down to our genes although maybe not wholly.

And to all the people who think its a choice, you are idiots. You cant just wake up one day and think "hmmm, i think ill decide to fancy men all of a sudden"

I guess ill never know the true reason as to why i am how i am, instead i embrace it. We all have our differences and anyone who says gay is unnatural or a sin needs to seriously think things over.

I hope what i've said makes sense to some people, although i may have waffled and i appologise if i have.

Bye :)Health Question & Answer

One of my friend's sisters went gay after she was date-raped. I'd imagine some other life-changing events could trigger the same decision.

For the most part though, I'd say anyone who switches was probably already that way and didn't realize it, or want to realize it.

Health Question & Answer

Sorry, but if anyone is purposely TRYING to turn gay, then they won't at all. It's possible to "turn" bi, because it happened to me (I fell in love, though). And it's possible to start loving someone of the same sex, but can it really be considered gay.? If you're a guy then I doubt you will suddenly stop being attracted to women. lolHealth Question & Answer

Homosexuality is the subject of a nature vs. nurture debate, so you're not going to get a straight (no pun intended) answer here. My opinion (and I think the widespread scientific belief) is that people are born with it, but many socially conservative Christians like to say that it is a choice.Health Question & Answer

I think its how they are raised as a child. I have read alot of stories about a homosexual and their childhood. Alot of the time they were not given affection by their parents and hated by their father, examples are being beaten and abused by the father and being constantly called a failure or "sissy"Health Question & Answer

they dont, they cant. you are born with your sexuality.Health Question & Answer

They are born gay they just like menHealth Question & Answer

they are born like this and it will be shown after some years. at 7 years old, 15 or 10.. they just can't choose...Health Question & Answer

What's with all of the thumbs downs.?Health Question & Answer

it starts when your young. you just feel it Health Question & Answer

they see me.

think about itHealth Question & Answer

your born gay, nothing u can do about it
Health Question & Answer

First of all, let me settle something for anyone who tries to post this... "You are not born gay!"

There is no found evidence in "homosexual dna" that makes it in any way different from "heterosexual dna". Homosexuality is a CHOICE and shouldn't be taken as anything but that.

People say "Oh, well he didn't have a choice to be gay. He was born that way." Bull. Give me some proof.

Anyway, people dont "turn" gay. They, instead of seeing women as attractive and thinking about them, they see men as attractive and think about them, and their respective "behaviors". They decide to become gay, and that's all there is to it. Health Question & Answer

I completely agree with justin C on the fact that people are trying to make being gay a completly innocent norm in society by relating it to DNA. That is misinformaiton. are you telling me a baby will be gay because it is born that way this is just another crappy thought like original sin. Babies are born pure and sinless and grow in to childern and adults who choice their outcome.

Men and women have freedom of choice in almost everything in life that is the beauty of being human and a creation of God and in the End he will judge all for their actions. No need to worry about whether it is right or wrong or kill eachother over it.Health Question & Answer

Most homosexual men have a complex and deep-seeded fear of women; overbearing mothers, absent or weak fathers. Combine that with a first sexual imprinting with another male.

I predict that the percentage of homosexuals in society will continue to rise as we see more families without fathers, and more homosexuals teaching in government school.

As for being "born" gay, any sex (except forced) is a choice. Whether or not a man can choose his feelings is irrelevant; he CHOOSES to be hetero or homosexual every time he makes the choice to have sex with a woman or man.Health Question & Answer

Unfortunately, they turn gay by choice, not because of their genes. It is not hereditary & is a sin against not only nature but especially God
Himself. Health Question & Answer

when a bee stings you, you turn gay. When it stings you again, you turn straight and so on. You must have been stung an even number of times then.Health Question & Answer

they just start getting attracted to the opposite sex some ppl get it most of their lives others turn gay later in lifeHealth Question & Answer

usually cause they get molested or rapedHealth Question & Answer

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