I asked this allready, but would like a non-religious answer.?!

Question: I asked this allready, but would like a non-religious answer..?
I have been masturbating since I was 11, and I have been fine with it.

But I have a friend a few months younger than me, who claimed he never has. (we're fifteen) I teased him every so often about it jokingly, he said he was going to "try it". He followed that up by saying it felt unethical.

Neither of us are too religious, I just want to help my friend by finding the best possible way to say its natural and stuff, and find a good way to start the conversation.Health Question & Answer

Tell him that (a) it's good for his health (b) a wonderful way to get to know his body sexually. This will be a great help when he has more to do with girls.

Health benefits - this is from Wikipedia:

"A 1997 study in the British Medical Journal based upon 918 men age 45-59 found that after a ten year follow-up, men who had fewer orgasms were twice as likely to die of any cause as those having two or more orgasms a week."

Put another way - having at least two orgasms a week halves your chance of dying between the ages of 45 and 59.

You can see how this makes sense - when you masturbate your heart beats faster, and your breathing speeds up. Since the heart and lungs are two of the most important organs in the body, any safe activity that exercises them is good for your general health.

Other studies have found that frequent masturbation reduces the risk of prostate cancer - a doctor who studied the evidence recommended that teenagers masturbate at least six times a week. It is thought that regular ejaculation clears the prostate gland of chemicals that can cause cancer.

Since the research was conducted in 1997, it's fairly recent in medical terms - you could ask him if he's aware of it.? You might also ask him to explain his ethical objections; then post them here. He might just be surprised that something so enjoyable could be morally acceptable.

A couple of people have asked WHY it is important to you that your friend should masturbate, but I understand perfectly. You know how good and beautiful it is, and want him to have that experience himself. So please keep trying - you're being a really good friend.Health Question & Answer

Hi there
Here is something you have to learn right now. Although you are open and honest about your 'sex life', you will find more and more as you go through life that people lie about sex, especially men. Especially they lie about masturbating. It goes with the territory. They also lie about when they lose their virginity, whether they are virgins or nor, about who they are having sex with, and how often they have sex. So just accept that your friend is clamming up here. You have done the best you can. He knows you do it, and if and when he is ready, he knows he can bring the subject up with you.Health Question & Answer

go to www.jackinworld.com
All of your adolescent questions are answered and you will discover it's perfectly normal and you might even learn a new technique... it's a great site, every kid should check it out...I gave the link to my kid, he's found out it's not the terrible thing society and the religious right say it is...and remember, the religious right is neither.Health Question & Answer

Sit him down and just explain that it's completely natural for males to masturbate weather they're a teen or adult. It's just a way to alleviate sexual tension and feelings and sometimes bring relaxation when stressed out. Tell him also that if he doesn't like it, don't do it, it's up to him. Hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

first of all: why is it SO important to you that your friend masturbates.?
second of all: what does religion have to do with it.? everybody masturbates,whether they admit to it or not. so maybe your friend just doesn't want to talk to you about it, because not everybody feels comfortable talking about it.Health Question & Answer

You don't feel that's just a little 'too' personal between friends.? You weren't there to help him learn to walk - or run - or ride a bike - why would you feel it necessary to help him run interference in this instance.? There are some things in life people need to learn for themselves - and this is one of them. It might be best to let HIM bring up the subject. If he doesn't, I wouldn't push it.Health Question & Answer

I'm Christian and I don't see what's so wrong with it. It's our bodies, so what is the big deal.?.?.?

I say he should masturbate as much as he wants. lol I call it lather, rinse, and repeat, but rinse is optional ;)

Um, how to start a conversation.?.?.? I guess you could be like "Hey d00d, lather, rinse repeat" and he'll be liek 'wat' and uhhh i still dont c how that will take u into the conversation....dammit!!!Health Question & Answer

It is completely normal and natural, that being said he may never accept that it is not "wrong". It is nice that you want to help your friend, but until he decides he likes it and accepts that it's normal hen is going to feel it is unethicalHealth Question & Answer

You might want to add that masturbating relieves stress and keeps sperm healthy.

Start it off by saying that it's pretty much a fact of a guy's life and that everyone of his friends probably do it. Health Question & Answer

Well, it's your own body and it pays to know what it is that you like, in terms of sexual stimulation. Apart from that.. most guys masturbate because they have some spare time.Health Question & Answer

dude, its masturbating is totally NATURAL -....its part of life to do it. EVERYONE does it

and u think we are ALL breaking rules.?.?.?.? NO
god MADE us like this. so just go ahead and do it. Health Question & Answer

Well if he doesn't think it feels right, then just drop it. It's his choice.

I personally don't understand how he doesn't enjoy it, but I guess some people just don't like masturbating, lol
Health Question & Answer

its good for you. it prevents prostate cancer and it feels NICEEEEE. everyone does it. its really not a big deal.Health Question & Answer

I know someone that works for the church and masturbates. Health Question & Answer

I feel bad for your friend..
It is natural, even healthy.Health Question & Answer

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