A question for the men only?!

Question: A question for the men only.?
Hi guys. I am currently pregnant and expecting a baby boy in three months. I have to make a decision weather Im gonna get him circumcised or not. I have asked this question amongst friends and so on and many many women have views on it but I wanted to get a blokes view on it as well since you guys are the ones that have to live with your package. I've heard if your not circumcised that it's harder to keep your bits cleaner and your prone to infections and other problems more than a bloke that has been circumcised. When a guy hasn't been circumcised is it harder to look after and keep clean. Im leaning more towards not having him circumcised but I don't want him to been in a higher category in having medical problems. Do you guys have any views to share.? Health Question & Answer

I am not Circumcised and my parents when I was old enough taught me that when your in the bath or shower to pull back on the skin and soap it up then rinse it off. That is all that is needed to maintain a clean uncircumcised penis. no more to do than washing your hair or arm pits. Anything will get infected or smell if you dont wash it. it is just part of all around maintenance. Now a day Little dudes are not getting circumcised as much as they did in the 60's thru the 80's. So by the time he gets to the lockerroom where others will see his junk he will be among the others that were not circed also. Most women have never experianced a uncircumcised guy and do not know any other. if i may suggest go to you tube or some other site and see how it is actually done. they get your little dude and strap him down on a form legs and arms straped down then they clean his unit get the scissors and just start cutting without anesthesa. while he is screaming they are cutting. People say "oh he will not remember it" it is somthing that should be done. All you see is a baby rapped up in a blanket all content but a few minutes ago he was screaming his head off. I think that more parents should be there when thier little dudes get it done so they can experiance the pain he goes through because of the descison you made for him. Let him decide for himself when he gets older

Good luck and congrats on your new little dude!

curtdude Health Question & Answer

Don't get him circumcised, the foreskin has thousands of nerve endings, it is the foreskin that makes sex pleasurable.

Having a foreskin doesn't make it IMPOSSIBLE to clean, it just means that you have to retract it to clean it, you can still easily clean it!

The only reason you should get circumcised is because of religious beliefs or of a medical condition (unable to retract the foreskin for example). Health Question & Answer

Of course you can always decide, being his parent. But I would suggest that it would be better if you will just wait until the boy reaches his puberty age. By that time, he can decide for himself if he wants to be circumcised or not. Just a bit of information for you: circumcision, originally, has something to do with ancient religious rituals and practices. It has nothing to do with personal hygiene I suppose. So, it's basically a misnomer if you believe that uncircumcised men are not very sanitary.Health Question & Answer

It seems as if you've decided but im 14 and I love being circumcised. I think it feels cleaner the being uncircumcised. I'm not saying anything is wrong with it I mean it is probably a lot harder to keep clean. And many girls I have been with say they prefer circumcised, they say it's cleaner and they like it more. If your uncircumcised you could also have the problem of not being able to pull the foreskin back. This is all I have to say about it but I think the kid will grow up fine no matter what. Good luck with the baby.Health Question & Answer

Do not get your child circumcised. Do not believe everything you hear. Millions of men in the world are not circumcised and have absolutely no hygiene problems, me among them!

As a parent you want to make the correct decisions for your children, but very often the best decision is to let them choose! If you child wishes to get circumcised at a later date it is a minor procedure. Whereas if you make the decision for the child, he cannot exactly grow anything back now can he!
Health Question & Answer

My husband is circumsized as is my father and brother. I have decided if I have a boy he will NOT be circumsized. Proper hygiene keeps it clean. If there is a medical reason like phimosis then okay.

However some recent research says that circumsized men are far safer from contracting HIV/Aids than non so that is something to think aboutHealth Question & Answer

i am very clean and uncircumcised. we are self conscious because of that fact. but i suggest to have him circumcised to avoid some humiliation in his later life. it is your choice to do this to him but he will have to live with it. please choose carefully. be sure to teach him good oral hygene and there will be no trouble with his package at any rate.Health Question & Answer

I am a female i agree with whoever said to leave it to him to decide when he is older.He should have a say in it also yes you should talk to his father.Health Question & Answer

I can only imaging the pain the baby will go through, they don't use anaesthetic for the operation. OOOCH that sure was pain full. : ( : ( : (Health Question & Answer


pls answer my question, guys only

.?qid=20081116042316AA6HkS9&r=w">http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index.?...Health Question & Answer

My bf isn't cut and he's glad he's not and it's really no trouble to keep clean, he's never had a problem.

HarrietHealth Question & Answer

apparently its cleaner to have it cut off but bein in school if his friends find out he WILL get bullied no doubt about itso i would say leave it onHealth Question & Answer

Maybe you should be discussing this with the baby's father....Health Question & Answer

your making the right call... there is a reason boys are born with foreskins... it's his choice to make in the future,,, it's his body... ;-)Health Question & Answer

why don't you let him decide when he is old enough.
it's no harder than soap and water when you shower every day
Health Question & Answer

Whether to circumcise your son or leave him intact is an important decision that you should research thoroughly.

My extensive research has led me to believe that circumcision is an unnecessary and irreversible procedure that removes a natural and important part of the boy's penis.

The American Academy of Pediatrics say evidence "is not sufficient to recommend routine circumcision." They add that "it is not essential to the child's wellbeing."

Here are some other factors I suggest you consider:

The rate of circumcision in the USA has fallen to an all-time low:

Circumcision does NOT protect against common STDs, according a recent major study:

In Africa there is dispute over whether it reduces HIV risk, but recommendations for it there cannot be applied to developed countries, where contraception is widely available:
.?id=267012" rel="nofollow">http://www.dispatch.co.za/article.aspx.?i...

The American Cancer Society does NOT recommend circumcision to prevent penile cancer, which is so rare that less than 0.01% of uncircumcised males may get it:
The AAP also states that it does NOT markedly prevent urinary tract infections, which are also so rare that less than 1% of uncircumcised boys may get one.

The intact penis requires no special attention or high-maintenance cleaning:

The foreskin is not just a useless flap of extra skin, it actually has many important functions:

General overview:

Ultimately, like I said this is a big decision so do plenty of research. One more thing to note is that the overwhelming majority of guys who aren't circumcised (80% worldwide!) seem to be glad they still have their foreskin and most never have any problems with it!

Check out Mothering.com's forums for more insight from other moms on this topic:
.?f=44" rel="nofollow">http://www.mothering.com/discussions/for...Health Question & Answer

Read the sites I list below, and the stories of mothers who have heard their sons' screams from the "painless snip" - it's not natural to remove it. There is actually 50% of the skin of the penis being removed, with the associated sensitivity. The glans keratinises (hardens) and sexual pleasure is only gained by thrusting hard. The foreskin is the third most sensitive part of the body after the lips and fingers - do you want to remove this from your little boy.?

The cleanliness argument is a myth - as is the infection argument. Your responsibility as a parent will be to keep him clean until he is old enough to do it himself - if he gets an infection or redness, you just need to treat it with care. So long as it is cleaned every day and not treated harshly, he will be ok. It is now very out of favour with the medical establishment the world over - they see no reason for it.

There are non-medical ways of dealing with phimosis which you should be aware of, as some boys get a tight foreskin at the age of about 3 to 6 years old because they don't retract it often enough when bathing or urinating. So long as you teach him those (well, his father should) he will be ok.

Being born in the UK, I am uncircumcised, and talking to friends in Australia of my age who are circumcised, they regret that their parents had it done. But it was accepted practice back then. It now isn't.

EDIT - and in relation to the guy that says that he'll get teased at school.? Well, that's only in the US, not in Australia, as most boys here are not circumcised. So if he is circ'd he will be different. (and in the US the pendulum is swinging away from circumcision).Health Question & Answer

No you shouldn't. There are no benefits despite some people saying having a natural part of your body is risky. It used to be common in Australia and then in the 1970's the doctors turned against it and so now it isn't so popular. The current rate is about 10% and is declining all the time.
Australia statistics: http://www.cirp.org/library/statistics/C...

I am from Britain and virtually nobody is mutilated here. And nobody ever has a problem either. Circumcision originally became popular for non-religious reasons to stop masturbation among other ludicrous things:

The care is a lot easier when the child is intact. With a circumcised boy he will be in pain and in a lot of discomfort. A lot of circumcised boys get skin bridges because the severed skin re-attaches :

There is no care for a circumcised boy. The foreskin is attached to the glans at birth and should be left to separate naturally. You should not try to pull it back or try to clean inside. Just leave it alone - simple.

Circumcision causes a lot of sexual damage. The foreskin protects the glans underneath. Without this protection it dries out and the skin becomes harder due to the glans constantly rubbing on clothes. This causes a loss in sensitivity. also lost is the gliding action of the foreskin - its ability to move means that sex and masturbation is a lot easier. Without the foreskin you are definitely at a loss. It is also the most sensitive part of the penis. here are a few links to look at:

If you want to provide answers to people who say it is cleaner to be mutilated, there is a lot of info on this page:

also take a look around the mothering.com group "The case against circumcision". There are plenty of mother there in the same boat as you:
.?f=44" rel="nofollow">http://www.mothering.com/discussions/for...Health Question & Answer

There is absolutely no reason to circumcise. It is not any cleaner if you teach him to wash it. There is no less chance of disease. You can't even use the excuse "but he will be different than all the other boys" because circumcision rates are falling and less than 50% in some parts of the US (much less I believe in most of Australia). I can say this. I wish my parents did not have me circumcised as an infant and if I had a boy i would not have him circumcised. just ask yourself this question. if you have a girl will you have her circumcised.? Of course not so why would you have a boy circumcised.? All the same reasons given to circumcise a boy are just as valid reasons to circumcise a girl (removal of the clitoral hood) it's cleaner, looks better etc. Yet no one even thinks about routinely circumcising infant girls.

If you think it is painless go to YouTube and watch a few videos of infant boys screaming while they are getting circumcised.Health Question & Answer

well, i dont have kids yet but if i ever did have a son i would choose to NOT get him circumsised. if a baby boy is born with a foreskin, then why does it need to be cut off.? i think its natural and healthy and if being uncircumsised really is dirty and leads to diseases than why would the foreskin be there in the first place.? it needs to have some sort of purpose. anyway, i would teach my son how to clean and take care of himself properly and if he did ever want to get circumsised later on in life than that is his body and that is his choice. Health Question & Answer

the argument in which people say that it will be cleaner if the boy is circumsized isn't very valid because an uncircumsized boy just has to pull back his penis and put soap, water and rinse off. He will have more pleasure during sexual activities and masterbation if uncircumsized because the boy will have all the nerve endings that the foreskin has. Masterbation won't always require some sort of lubrication because the foreskin already is. there has been NO valid medical and scientific evidence that a foreskin is unhealthy and leads to any problems.Health Question & Answer

Circumcision ruined my life. I suffered more than the usual 50-75% loss of sexual sensitivity from the damage, which made it impossible for me to reach orgasm in normal sex.

Male genital mutilation, called circumcision, always damages the penis, diminishes sexual sensitivity and ability, and the lack of sensitivity continues to diminish throughout the victim's life as the tissues keratinize and dry out.

While my case was more severe than average, I finally found out about foreskin restoration, and have vastly improved my sensitivity and the intensity of orgasms has increased to a point that I never thought possible.

Circumcision is the worst hoax ever perpetrated on humanity.

Harder to keep clean.? That's ridiculous, most of the men in the world are unmutilated, and have no problems.

Prone to infections.? That's a combination of old wive's tales and lies promulgated by the doctors who make money from circumcisions, and are very frequently members of the religions that try to force this practice on others.

Would you have a female circumcision done on yourself.? Undoubtedly not, because it is genital mutilation. Male circumcision is also genital mutilation----there's no difference; mutilation is mutilation.

Anyone with intelligence can see that a whole penis, natural and normal with a foreskin feels and functions better than a partial, mutilated and scarred one.

I know from experience.

A foreskin is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

His body; His choice.Health Question & Answer

circumcision is a case in which the more you know about the effects of it the more you are against circumcision
(more links at bottom)

I wish my parents hadn't chosen it for me, when I found out about it I read everything I could, I know tons of information about and have read both pro and anti circumcision websites, I really wanted to believe it was good, but the truth just isn't there, you see and hear all these claims but if you ask for the actual study nobody has them or they are so old and used invalid techniques and would not even be considered for publishing, I wanted to believe it was good but if you look at both sides, circumcising without an immediate medical need makes no sense at all.

I did foreskin restoration restoring what was left (they do leave some foreskin) but it's not all restorable, but what I was able to get back was great. but this came at a price, I can no longer see circumcision as cosmetic or as if it does not really matter, things that I thought were normal I only realized were problems after I restored and no longer had them, sexual enjoyment is way up. I can't imagine how much better the real thing is.

people have said in relation to sexual pleasure

and from my experience I agree with the cut/restored numbers

let your son have an entire penis, he only has one life to live, only one chance to feel the full sexual pleasure, if you circumcise him he will never be able to experience it

circumcision is a case in which the more you know about the effects of it the more you are against circumcision
www.nocirc.orgHealth Question & Answer

Ma'am, I'm from the Philippines and most of us guys here are circumcised.

My father a doctor recommends your baby boy to be circumcised. It lowers the risk of infection and most of all, not being circumcised might develop various problems in the future.

My brother was circumcised on birth due to phimosis and was developing Urinary Tract infection. I hope that does not happen to your baby.

It's best if you have him circumcised f you care for him, not only now but also in the future.Health Question & Answer

most men get an infection at 16. i got infected at that age ,even i washed it after ever urine as i can remeber . it still got infected. they give u degratable stiches, i got scars from getting a erection. so it better to do it nowHealth Question & Answer

get him circmsised.....
if he get it while he is older it will be painful.....
uncircumsised is alot proner to infections because if they don't clean it thoroughly......Health Question & Answer

Get him circumsized.Health Question & Answer

im a female but i think its safer to have him circumisedHealth Question & Answer

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