How can i draw out and use my chakra?!

Question: How can i draw out and use my chakra!?
I believe you're asking a similar question to what I answered a while back, so I'll just copy it here with a few modifications!

Q: "If i open my chakras, and practise tai chi will i be able to do chi enforced punches, etc!?
I know most of the stuff from naruto is fictional, but if i open my chakras and practise tai chi, will i be able to throw chi enforced punches, etc and possibly affect someone's chi circulatory system!? - any pointless or negative answers are not welcome!."

A: "I'm a huge anime fan, and I also happened to grow up with one of the "top" chi martialist masters in the world!.
So I think I can actually answer your question correctly!. So basically, just "trust me" on my background!.

For starters, real (who are somewhat rare, especially in the USA) internal martialists can do incredible superhuman feats, and are godly in combat etc!.
However, despite that, energy projections (such as those in dragon ball z, or some of the jitsus) are impossible and cannot be done!.
So, what on earth does chi do!? Very simply put, it's not possible to create enough energy to have it be a "explosive projection attack," rather the really good people are much more focused on subtly manipulatiing the small ammount they have for massive gains!.
Some of the nei gung martial arts techniques that exist include:
fa jin (which is where a wave of energy is sent into a person, often from almost no physical movement)!. Depending on how this is done, it can send someone flying across a room, or hemmorhage their internal organs and kill them!. Fa jin in of itself does not have a massive ammount of "power" behind it, but the martial artist knows how to send it out in such a way that the force perfect interacts with the opponents system!.

boosting physical function: if you run chi through an area, it becomes healthier, has more power, has endurance, is faster, and if you can remove blockgaes in that flow (which nearly every person has, and the reason for meditation being part of their training), it becomes possible to have stuff like "godly speed"

making the body stronger and able to hit things better (what you're referring to, which is primarily in the realm of the "wei chi")!. A lot of people thought this concept could be applied to the point you were impervious to bulletts!. This however was not really correct, and resulted in a lot of people dying during the boxer rebellion!.

Messing with your opponents chi (which is "critical" to every bodily function)!. Depending on how it's done, you can get inside their mind so that they space out, or you can subtly put something into their system that causes them pain and paralysis for 20 years!.

The most interesting thing about naruto, is tha one day I brought up the subject of the rasengan and the technique used to create it with him (since I'd been trying to get that flow in my hands), and he told me "that was the technique I was famous for in China!. When you hit people with it, it causes their entire body to splay out in each direction, and they lose all grounding and defense they have (big deal in internal martial arts)!."

Anyhow as far as learning goes!. Unfortunately, it's pretty hard and requires a lot of work (for reference, the indians do not have the depth of martial applications for energy the taoists have which is why I'm omitting them), along with a good teacher!. All three are a rare combination!. Getting a decent teacher is the most important thing however!.
The three martial arts which promote all these concepts are (there are lots of spellings so don't ding me on this one)
Tshing-hi (very straight forward, likes to attack and smash things down)!.
Tai-Chi (based on the principle of yielding to your opponents blows and then redirectly the energy and force back at them)!.
Bau Gua (based on the idea of constantly changing direction so that you are in the best situation and angel to deal with your opponent)!.

In addition there are a series of "chi" (nei gung to be more specific) practices that are fundamental for each art!. Generally, the best idea is to learn someone you can practice those from!.

My feeling is that this is just something that seems "cool" to you, and not something you wish to seriously pursue!. If however you do, my advise would be focus more on chi gung practices!. However, if you wish to flat out go to the martial arts, I know of a few decent people who are teaching in san francisco, colorado and new york!.
Generally speaking most people who are insterested in this sorta stuff (strangely I actually know some anime fans that have) tend to wander across a book called "the power of internal martial arts," and end up being really happy with what it provided!.

There are a variety of practices internal martial artists use to draw out there energy, and the exact one differs from school to school, but most of it is explained fairly well in a book called 'power of the internal martial arts'!. "

Hope that helps/is what you wanted!Www@Youqa@Cn

You don't have a chakra!. You have several chakras!. You can't draw them out, they live inside you!. You can balance them or amplify one or another!. The suggestions about yoga and meditation are great!. The only thing not mentioned was crystals!. I use certain colored crystal to help balance the energy of whatever chakra is hurting at the time!. For example I hold a green crystal to my heart when I get depressed!. It helps me a lot!. I suggest you look up chakras in a search engine and study up on them more if you are really serious!. Good luck!Www@Youqa@Cn

You can't draw out your chakra and use them per say!. You can tap into them, balance them, open and read them because they are energy sources!. You can tap into them with things like yoga, Tai Chi, Reiki, meditation, and a lot of other stuff!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I would suggest you to do Yoga!. One that is esp!. about chakra and its powers for treatments is Sahaja Yoga!. Try attending a meditation center near your locality and if it appeals to you, I am sure you'd draw out a lot from the experience!.


"Chakra" is imaginary!.
Use your imagination!.Www@Youqa@Cn

you cant in real life!.!.!.!.
maybe on a naruto game


your chakra indeed

what BSWww@Youqa@Cn

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