I need to know of something that is good for high blood pressure that is natural.?!

Question: I need to know of something that is good for high blood pressure that is natural!.!?
Like certain foods or herbs!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Yep magnesium can work wonders just make sure to combine it with some potassium like eating a banana or melon or baked potato with a mg supplement!.
If you don't like taking pills nuts are a great source of magnesium (almonds and cashews the best!.)Www@Youqa@Cn

magnesium is a smooth muscle relaxant!. I was on two different drugs for BP and still my pressure on the high side!. After starting the magnesium, I had to stop both (in stages) as my pressure was low!. Now I would not treat BP just because modern medicine has deemed you are abnormal!. Hypertension is a symptom and the root cause determined!. If they call it essential hypertension, just keep an eye for changes!. You already walk, so I bet you are not over weight or are losing!.
A pharmacist that hates drugs and drug companies!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Natural remedies include fish oil, garlic oil, hawthorn, coenzyme Q10 and many others that you can find in a web search for "high blood pressure" + "natural remedies"!.

Each natural remedy helps a bit and you may need to take several!.

Plenty of exercise helps as well and also a low salt intake!. Unfortunately a lot of processed food contains added salt for flavouring purposes!.Www@Youqa@Cn

There are lots of supplements to take for high blood pressure, but since there are different causes for hbp not just any supplement may work for you!. So don't give up just because you try something and it does not work for you!. It could be that you have not found the right supplement for your particular cause of high blood pressure!.

Noni juice
chelation supplements or chelation itself(i personally know someone who did this and his blood pressure was lowered)!.
vitamin e
cramp bark
gingko biloba
dandelion(leaf and roots)

there are many many more!.
I hope you find what you're looking for!.Www@Youqa@Cn

there are allot of natural stuff you can do to lower your blood pressure!. try this link


Mukta Vati - an ayurvedic remedy!. Brilliant stuffWww@Youqa@Cn

ginger, garlic!.Www@Youqa@Cn

white pumpkin , some juice dailyWww@Youqa@Cn

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