What bad side effects have you experienced from Marijuana?!

Question: What bad side effects have you experienced from Marijuana.?
It changed me as a person. I have always been a proponent for the use of pot but I started to notice these things increase over time. I have laziness, short-term memory, dark circles under my eyes, sleep problems, "weirdness", anxiety and depression, decrease in social contacts. All psychological withdrawal symptoms besides dark-circles which I think is from smoking and careless diet. I am quitting. I will say that pot inspired me creatively with music and writing but I think it has opened me up enough and I want to go back to normal and be able to not feel awkward. Don't give me any crap about how pot is God's drug he planted here for us and it is natural and makes you happy. You have no idea what chronic use can do to you if you say this.Health Question & Answer

MR. J Good for you and I am printing what you wrote to show to patients. The fact is you are so right and you aren't the only person to come to this point. I have worked with many marijuana addicts.
And to those who call it Gods drug because its natural have less sense than cattle who won't touch it! And I want to remind them poisonous mushrooms exist and so does poison ivy. They are natural but that doesn't mean they are good for humans.

Why on earth would God need his creations to get high before they can commune with Him.? Doesn't make sense and never will. Oh and so is the cocoa leaf natural. I don't have a God who wants people to be junkies.

Any way I will step off my soap box now to say that I hope you will go to Marijuana Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous to help you stay off ganja.Health Question & Answer

Marijuana is known for causing depression... i have been clinically depressed and had manic symptoms at time, that all stopped about three months (hardest 3 months in my life!) after i have stopped using it. my strong advice to you - do not use it, do not be tempted to return using it, and do try conventional until depressants.Health Question & Answer

The creativity is the best part. The other stuff freaks me out. I feel like everybody knows. so I would rather do it alone...i mean if i were to ever do it ...ur...um...Health Question & Answer

messes with metabolism, makes people fat, and forgetful and lethargicHealth Question & Answer

The only bad side effect I've experienced from it, is the good buzz wore off.Health Question & Answer

It's people like you who contribute to the negative aspect of marijuana. It's unfortunate that people can't just take responsibility for their own poor choices.

Marijuana didn't worsen your life, you did. If you are lazy, get off your butt. It's as simple as that. My wife and I both own and operate our own businesses and we smoke nearly everyday.

Stop making marijuana the scapegoat. And I DO know what chronic use is like because I have been smoking for a long time now.

Marijuana doesn't cause use of other drugs, it's your own free will to decide to use those drugs. If marijuana weren't around there is no way to prove you wouldn't have tried the other drugs anyway.
I lowered the amount of alcohol I consumed after I started smoking regularly and I don't smoke cigarettes and have never done any other drugs.Health Question & Answer

I spent a year seeing nothing but this and far worse every day in flat out hundreds of people when working as an assistant in an addiction recovery study.

Look into marijuana anonymous, and narcotics anonymous twelve step programs, and maybe some medical/psychological support services for the depression and anxiety problems. When you stop, the depression tends to get quite bad for a period of four to eight months, and no one should have to suffer through that without support.

The above counselor has very good points.

Best of luck to you. People do get clean, and they do fix up their lives.Health Question & Answer

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