What are all of the benefits of Monavie Acai berry juice?!

Question: What are all of the benefits of Monavie Acai berry juice.?
I'm not sure if I spelled that right or not. Will it help with emotionall type issues like anxiety,stress, sleep and energy.? How about pain.? I have been on several medications such as Percocet for back surgery and arthritis, Ambien and Klonopin for insomnia and anxiety. I just tossed the Ambien and Klonopin and ready to dump the percocet as well. Will it help get these toxins out of my body.? Will I feel better over all using something natural like Monavie.? also, does it help with mild acne.?Health Question & Answer

39 reasons to drink Monavie

1. Helps build a strong body by providing protein.
2. Cleanses and detoxifies the body.
3. Muscle contractions and regeneration.
4. Increases energy and stamina.
5. Stress relief.
6. Improves sexual health.
7. Aids body synergy.
8. A potent anti-aging food.
9. May help prevent prostrate enlargement.
10. Helps prevent osteoporosis.
11. Menstrual cycles.
12. May help prevent causes of heart disease.
13. Reduces bad cholesterol.
14. Sterols may lower blood pressure.
15. Protects blood vessels.
16. In diabetes Acai helps protect capillaries.
17. Diabets relief: Acai's low glycemic index improves glucose and lipid levels.
18. Weight control.
19. Acai can improve resistance to disease.
20. Improved function of immune cells.
21. Prevents free-radical damage to the immune system.
22. Antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal.
23. Acts as an antimutagenic.
24. Improves digestion.
25. Overcomes acid-reflux disease.
26. Heals ulcers.
27. Helps relieve symptoms of Crohn's Disease.
28. Improves skin tone.
29. Defends against premature wrinkles.
30. Acts as an astringent.
31. May thwart cancer.
32. Reduces arthritis pain.
33. Relieves symptoms of asthma.
34. May reduce risk of Alzheimer's Disease.
35. Aids vision.
36. Helps maintain healthy teeth and gums.
37. Improves mental clarity.
38. Better sleep.
39. Promotes overall wellness.Health Question & Answer

I have heard of people being helped by Monavie with various skin conditions, and it has been especially helpful for me personally with insomnia. I also tossed my Ambien shortly after starting my Monavie regimen. Basically, it's just fruit juice and it's good for you as part of a balanced diet. I would be leery of people who make too many health claims from a fruit juice. also, regarding the answer that mentioned the sodium benzoate, just about everything has some sort of preservative in it, and it occurs naturally in many fruits. I would much rather consume the preservative than rotten juice.Health Question & Answer

MonaVie is certainly better than drugs however, it contains a preservative called sodium benzoate which reacts with vitamin C in the presence of light or heat. This forms a carcinogen called benzene. Health food stores usually carry natural acai juice. Read the ingredients. An herb called eleuthero (Siberian ginseng) will help with stress, sleep, and energy, and may help relieve pain.Health Question & Answer

I am a new mom. I shed 52 pounds of my baby weight in 4 months. My husband had plantar fasitis and it is not bothering him anymore. He also had joint pain and it has helped him. I have battled depression and panic attacks for years. I truly feared geting postpartum. I have drank monavie since I gave birth and I am not depressed at all. I have also not had one panic attack. I also had mild acne before I had my son. I have had one breakout in six months. That is impressive considering all of the stress I have been under with circumstances with my extended family right now. I have also heard great things about how it has helped other people with a lot of things. If you have anymore questions please e-mail me at the site below. You can also order monavie from here as well.

http://www.ehow.com/how_4683074_be-stay-...Health Question & Answer

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