Large itchy bites on face, neck, and scalp???!!?!

Question: Large itchy bites on face, neck, and scalp.?.?.?!!.?
For the past three days, I wake up with more "bug bites" than the day before.

I don't KNOW what kind of bug bite this is:
The bumps are itchy, LARGER than mosquito bites, and they're all over my forehead, scalp, and neck.
They can be up to 1 to 2 inches in diameter.
They're like blob-shapes (not circles or ovals).
I'm seriously getting freaked out.
I have no clue what this is.
also, Idk if this has anything to do with it, but my eyelids have been getting puffy lately, like a sty.
And I don't even spend any time outdoors.
I work in an office full time, and go home for the night.

Guys, PLEASE help me out.? I'm really worried. I'm a 19 year old female living in her own apartment, paying all the bills. I even skipped work today because my eye is like half closed.

Thanks in advance,
JaimieHealth Question & Answer

Are you sure you aren't getting hives.? It sounds like hives. Take some benadryl and see if you get relief. You can purchase it over the counter almost anywhere.Health Question & Answer

Go to the er or to urgent care. You may have fleas or mites in your apartment but those bites need immediate treatment before they worsen. It sounds like you are having an allergic reaction to whatever is biting you. The swelling you are experiencing is your body's immune system trying to fight back unfortunately if you are allergic those cells go haywire. Most likely all you need is a steroid shot or something similar to quell the reaction. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

this could be any number of beasties: spider, bed bugs, who knows. If you live alone, set off a bug bomb or two in the apt, close it up tight and stay away all day. When you return, air it out really well. If your apt bldg has other types of insect infestation, the super needs to know so the whole thing can be fumigated.

As for your bod, take benadryl for the allergic reaction (it might make you a bit drowsy) and drink lots of water to flush out the toxins. Health Question & Answer

Ok...1st of all...have you been in a wooded, weedy area.? If so, these could definately be chiggers! If you haven't here is my other theory...could most likely be mosquitos. Think about this...the skin on your face & neck is really thin which will cause the mosquito bites to be larger. I found out when my son was really young that he is actually allergic to mosquito bites. So much so, that they will form a blister and ooze. If the bites are just on your upper body, it is most likely because you are covered up at nite and the mosquito is preying on the exposed parts of your body. Try sleeping on the sofa for a couple nights and see what happens. If you are able to take so. There is such a thing called "After Bite" that you can get at Walgreens that will take the burning & itching down to a minimal. also...try not to scratch them as this will only irritate them and make them larger. If it could in fact be chiggers, try going to a pharmacy such as Walgreens and asking the pharmacist what would be best since it is around your facial area. If you can tolerate the smell...the green colored alcohol helps a lot.

Good Luck,

JoniHealth Question & Answer

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