Ok. i'm like really scared that i have HIV or something. can somone help me out?!

Question: Ok. i'm like really scared that i have HIV or something. can somone help me out.?
k. uhh about 2 to 31/2 years ago, i had anal sex with another male. we did it twice and both times it was me in him and both times i DID ejaculate.
I know for absolute posotute face that we were both total virgins and totally HIV free. We were actually totally std free. But lately all my symptoms have been adding up to HIV. these symptoms include:
- Diahrea (i don't know if this is signifacant or not, but usually the only time i go #2 is when i get a stomcah ach. That's it.)
- A few months ago i got a pretty bad throat problem where it hurt to swallow pretty much anything, even my own spit. my mom thought it might be strep (it was the first time ever that i got strep (if it even was strep)
- quite while back, i got a pretty painfull red bump under my pit. I also got a weird sort of pimple thing. I'm pretty sure it was a pimple because puss came out of it (it was also kind of under one of my pits)
- Sometimes i get bumps here and there on my neck (could this possibly be from shaving)
- My breathing is really weird. Like if i breath in really fast and all the way, sometimes there's a weird little noise this also happens when i exhale roughly/all the way/ and now i'm sick. (it's a sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, and my head kinda hurts a little bit) and i'm breathing pretty weird even if i don't exhale/inhale roughy/fast
uhhh i think that's pretty much all the symptoms i have, but if i think of any more i'll make sure to put them on here.

i've asked about this before and one guy said that because of our relationship with eachothere our genes or cells or watev actually fight infection. Or something like that. Someone please help me out. this is so scary
Health Question & Answer

You don't have HIV but if you're worried, get tested. That's the only way you'll get any peace of mind because you somehow managed to string together a series of unrelated, common illnesses into HIV/AIDS.

Diarrhea is incredibly common. Your mom was probably right about your throat because that's exactly what strep feels like (incredibly painful to swallow). The armpit thing was an abscessed sebaceous gland (hence the pus). Your current problem (runny nose, sore throat) is a COLD.

Dude, seriously, no one is healthy all the time and we all get coughs, cold, infections, diarrhea but that doesn't mean you have HIV or AIDS. You're just worrying your self sick. Knock it off. If you can't, get tested, you cannot diagnose HIV by symptoms, only by a blood test.Health Question & Answer

i'm curious.... since you were both virgins, how did this come about.? you both knew what to do on your first time.? mm......

the weather is changing maybe you are just getting sick, it takes a couple of years to see if you are HIV positive.

but, are you sure it was the first time for both of you.?Health Question & Answer

thats what you get for being a pickle smoocherHealth Question & Answer

OK breathe. First of all, it usually takes longer than 2 years to get symptoms of HIV. also, colds and pimples do not = HIV.

The ONLY way to know is to take an HIV test. Go to your local Planned Parenthood and take a test, OK.?Health Question & Answer

wow, chill man :o)
one question, do you remember getting really bad flu like symptoms after having sex with him.?.?.? that's exactly what hiv does when you contract it..
High fever, very sore throat etc... I couldn't get out of bed for couple of weeks..and of course I had no idea it was HIV until 2yrs later when I got tested. I had no symptoms of the virus at all... I notice I'm getting colds quite often but that's about it.

Your symptoms seem just like any normal weeknesses of any person.. You might have low immune system, which would explain everything.

But if you wanna be certain about the hiv just tested...it is kinda hard to wait for the results, but I don't think you should be worried, just make sure you're ok.
Go for it!Health Question & Answer

you're paranoid. you do not have HIV. get the test to confirm ... but you don't have it. always practice safe-r sex. your "symptoms" are probably nothing due to STRESS ... it's in your mind.

get the TEST done and turn the page!Health Question & Answer

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