Help with High Blood Pressure?!

Question: Help with High Blood Pressure.?
Im looking for a good book with information about High Blood pressure for my 29 year old Boy friend. He was put on high blood pressure medicine two days ago. We are both over weight a little and don't have great eating habits. However my blood pressure is excellent, but I hit the gym quite a bit and he rarely works out. So anyway the Dr told my boyfriend that he will be on blood pressure the rest of his life cause of his family history and now he's depressed. I really dont know a lot about blood pressure cause I have never had any problems even though my family history isnt good either. I don't think that the Dr should have told him that. I think that if we change our life style it is possible for him to get his blood pressure under control. So anyway I am looking for any good informative books and or web sites on blood pressure. I need to help my boyfriend he is too young to give up. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you Health Question & Answer

I would recommend he starts exercising and stop eating junk food your arteries and veins will expand when you excercising you notice that body builders have veins that stick out everywhere they have expanded and their blood pressure is very low and the heart rate slows down to 45 to 60 a minute because their veins are bigger there is hope for just about anyoneHealth Question & Answer

High blood pressure can be caused by numerous things, diet, weight, genes. I first got mine when I was pregnant 26 years ago. Now my diet and weight have compounded the problem. As long as he takes his drugs exactly as prescribed there won't be a problem. But diet and weight do make a difference. check out these sites and good luckHealth Question & Answer

The big ones I have read about are to avoid salt, animal proteins, animal fats, cheese, butter and all canned vegetables or any substances which have sodium salts added as preservatives or for taste.

Avoid all stimulants such as black tea, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, salt, mustard, black and white pepper, ginger, nutmeg and other spices.

Eat plenty of high potassium foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and beans. Especially green leafy vegetables.

Occasional juice and vegetable broth fasts under the guidance of a doctor will help to change the blood chemistry; detox the kidneys, blood vessels and other organs and restore a natural healthy condition in the body.

The use of garlic and onions can tend to open up and clean the arteries. One may take them in fresh form or in capsules. Some naturopathic doctors also suggest lecithin and vitamin C for helping to restore healthy blood vessels.

Eating only watermelon for one week during the summer when it is in season can help purify and rejuvenate the kidneys.

We can begin to analyze the factors in our lives, which are causing us to react with stress or worry and gradually become freer from these ways of reacting. We would do well to approach life in a more relaxed way, with self-confidence and peace of mind. We can gradually work towards this state of mind through working with various systems of self-analysis and self-transformation, which are available today.
TinaHealth Question & Answer

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