Bulimia and hearts. Please help me?!

Question: Bulimia and hearts. Please help me.?
Is there anyway a doctor can test your heart to see how it is and like if there is being a lot of strain put on it.?

I have been bulimic for almost 3 year now. I b/p last night and my chest really hurt and i am TRYING hard to stop, but i just can't seem to.

Anyway a doctor can check my heart to tell me if it's wearing down.?.?

And like i want to get help in a way, but my family KNOWS i binge purge, but they don't think it's a big deal.
In fact, my mom said that it's a "phase" and that i will just one day stop so it's not a big deal.
Health Question & Answer

I'm pretty sure there is a way a doctor could check that. Like your heart rate.
They will probably check it sitting up, lying down, and standing up. That's what they would do to me. And if it's low or a rapid change in standing up they will advise you and stuff.

You should get them to take a little blood to check your electrolyte levels and other hormones.

That is the saddest thing i've ever heard though..about your mom. You have obviously been struggling a long time with this-it isn't just a phase. If it was a "phase" it probably would've lasted once, twice, or maybe a week at most.

I'm sorry, but that's completely ignorant of your mother. She probably really just doesn't wnt to deal with your illness/accept the fact that you really are ill.

You need to get help, and if your parents aren't supportive of this or they don't fully believe it-do it for YOURSELF. Call a nutritionist and they can find you an eating disorder therapist..and maybe once you start going the therapist can talk to your parents.

Good luck (:Health Question & Answer

I think that you should talk to a doctor or a counceler because this isnt healthy.Health Question & Answer

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