I prbly have meat and dairy intolerance. I sometimes am itchy on my arms and legs in bed. Allergy or bed bugs?!

Question: I prbly have meat and dairy intolerance. I sometimes am itchy on my arms and legs in bed. Allergy or bed bugs.?
I have mostly constipation, not diarrhea. For this reason i don't think it is celiac. But even without eating dairy or red meat i am a little bloated and tender still. Could the itching and bloating be a different intolerance besides meat or dairy.?Health Question & Answer

Seems like you have a lot going on. #1-itching in bed -Only in bed.? yes you may have fleas, bed bugs, mites or allergies -If it is a detergent allergy-you should be itching or breaking out even out of bed.Is there something in your room causing an allergy.? Dusty in there.?Carpet.?stuffed animals.?lots of books.? Get rid of as much as you can-clean and de-clutter and dust everything. Including bed sheets, linen, etc. HOT water to kill mites-and there are sprays you can get. Spray your mattress-If you can, get a new one-if not, get a mattress protector(zipper one) for allergies(you can get @ Wal-mart) Dust mites eat flakes of skin, and all the dust you see is their "droppings" and casings-Ugh! #2- If you think you have an intolerance to dairy or meat- it is easy to tell. Stop all dairy for 14 days(no butter, cheese, ice cream, milk, creamed soups or sauces) See how you feel. Then on the 15th day-in one 24 hour period- eat all the dairy you can. (This is called overloading the system) You should be able to tell with certainty if dairy is a problem. Do the same with red meat- (but not at the same time as dairy-because you will not know which one is the culprit) -In other words, go off dairy and still eat meat for the 14 days. After the 18 or 20th day- go off meat. Yes, the itching & bloating could be from different sources-but you have to start somewhere. Health Question & Answer

not enough info.do you work at a job where you get plenty of execise.?so your bowl have a chance to move.do you have pets.?if yes could be mites,baby fleas.i had to spray my house and wash everything i coulodn't spray.o you drink enough water/Health Question & Answer

quit eating them, keep a food diary, and see a GI doctor and allergist.Health Question & Answer

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