Is extreme weight gain a symptom of diabetes 1 or 2?!

Question: Is extreme weight gain a symptom of diabetes 1 or 2.?
i mean extreme weight gain like 2-3lbs a week, i seen some sights that say weight gain is a symptom but i have seen more sights that say weight loss. Does anybody know 1st hand.?Health Question & Answer

Not at all. I was diagnosed with Type I diabetes when I was 16. One of the signs of diabetes is weight loss (I dropped from 175# to 133# in the space of four months).

The reason why one loses weight is that the body can no longer (or has a lessened ability to) obtain energy from the metabolism of glucose, as insulin is the hormone that allows glucose to enter your cells. As a result, your body will use its other resources of nutrition: lipids (fat) first, then protein (your muscles). When metabolized, fat and protein release energy in the form of ketones, which are high-energy compounds. However, ketones are acidic, so over time, your blood will become progressively more acidic. You will feel lethargic, constantly tired, and have excessive thirst. Over time, this can lead to a condition known as ketoacidosis, which can lead to a diabetic coma or death.

If you suspect diabetes, go to your health care professional as soon as possible. The longer you delay treatment, the more damage (which can be permanent) is done to your circulatory (heart/veins/arteries/ capillaries), renal (kidneys/urinary tract), and hepatic (liver) systems.

If a health care professional is an expensive option for you, find a free clinic or hospital in your area, or hit one of those 'Take Care' clinics with a nurse practitioner in some local Walgreens. If that is still too expensive, you can get an over-the-counter ketone test kit pretty cheaply from your neighborhood pharmacy. Health Question & Answer

Neither. Weight loss is a symptom of the onset of diabetes. Insulin dependent diabetics many times gain weight from the insulin they must take, but if you are not already diabetic then your weight gain would seem to be coming from a different source.

Possibly overeating and not enough exercise.?Health Question & Answer

I am not sure, there are many factor someone have diabetes....genetic, family history, obesity...etc, the best ways to must check A1C or fasting and post prandial blood glucose... see more in http://www.fat-site.comHealth Question & Answer

Typically, weight LOSS is a sing of extremely out-of-control diabetes.

But I would definitely have that checked. the Weight GAIN could trigger an already-overloaded system into becoming diabetic.

Health Question & Answer

I have no clue. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when i was 4yrs old, and i am 15 now but i lost 15lbs. OVERNIGHT, no lie.
So...weight gain is odd....Health Question & Answer

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