ALLERGIES ATTACK!!!! i seemed to developed Allergies ever since ive turn 25 this yr??HUh?!

Question: ALLERGIES ATTACK!!!! i seemed to developed Allergies ever since ive turn 25 this yr.?.?HUh.?
so my Eyes & lips get SWElled up i mean scary looking .?.?.? what in the world is going on .?.?... i've never in my life had allergies so WHY now ..

this sucks the other day i was at a restaurant & start having swollen lips n red mouth filled with sores next thing my eyes looked swelled up .. it was funny yet painfull.?.?.?

can anyone explain wht is going on .?.?

so the doc gave me steroid shot & it got better but lips still hurt * skin around my eyes is red & itchy i know its not all gone because my lips are all dry capped craked : (((((

the doc recommend i go to an Allergist so he can figur it out whta causing these lips & eyes swelling n whatnotHealth Question & Answer

i started getting misc allergies later in my life as well.

some times they just appear... and then sometimes you do something different in your life and it triggers them. sometime the slightest different thing you do can bring them on... like changing you laundry detregent, drinking soy milk instead of regular, taking vitamins... who knows.?.?

good thing you are going to the doctor. he will run some tests and find out if you can get a prescription for an Epi Pen. An Epi Pen is a shot you carry around w you incase you ever have a bad reaction. i know you thought it was a little funny and it was very painful.... but later in life...there is a chance if you don't get help fast enought that the swelling can make it into your throat and lungs and you wont be able to breathe.... and it could be fatal. having an Epi Pen will give you a quick fix until help arrives.

FYI...the thing that brought on my RANDOM allergies at age 21\22 was going on the birth control pill. Oy-Vay!! what a disaster...

any way, if there are any blotches left on your body or face...try Cortisone Cream. Its over the counter at any supermarket or drug store (like CVS, Rite Aid etc etc).

and wash with cool water...NOT HOT!!! Hot water irritates the blotches.

Good luck!
all the best :)Health Question & Answer

Allergies can occur at any time in your life. You are especially prone to them if they run in your family. As a person with allergies, what i can suggest to you is that you go immediately to get yourself tested. Once you find out exactly what you are allergic to, you will know what to avoid. The allergist can also place you on medicines to help you feel better. The histimine release in your body is what causes your face, lips and eyes to swell and sometimes if you allow your allergies to go untreated you can develop a severe reaction called anaphylaxis which is life threatening. Whatever level of allergies you have, you will need to do some research to better understand how allergies occur. Here are some websites that will help you in your quest for more information:
Hope this helps you...Good luck!Health Question & Answer

It's possible. What were you eating at the time.?
Think hard. Bring that info to the allergist.
Don't be surprised if the allergy test doesn't tell you everything you want to know because there is a difference between a food allergy and food intolerance. Allergists are about the only one that understand the difference.
Food allergies and intolerances can act the same to start and you have to treat them the same (avoid the problem food like the plague). But, true allergies can actually kill you. A food intolerance just makes you miserable.
We can have allergies/intolerances all our life and then they finally flare up. I have had them all my life. I am 47 years old and just found out I am deathly allergic to soy and peanuts, and only have a intolerance to other foods like wheat and shrimp. I have been eating peanuts and soy all my life. (I had de-sensitized myself to soy and peanuts because I ate them all my life.)
Good luck. Health Question & Answer

That is normal. I would go to an allergist to see what you are allergic to - I did and it helped a lot - they got me on the right meds and give me shots every week that help a lot.

Allergies are not something you are always allergic to, they are also not something you can get rid of by getting used to something.
Allergies are an overproduction of histamines. Its really your body freaking out. Doctors don't really know why people have histamines.

Try taking zyrtec every day until you figure out what it is.

If you eat something that you don't eat much it can happen, if you move to a new place, you may loose allergies to pollens and stuff for a year or two until your body starts reacting to the new plants, then about 2 years after you move you will have allergies to the new plants.

I know someone who had eaten kiwi until he was like 22 and he ate a bunch once and all of a sudden he was in anaphalactic shock and almost died. All of a sudden he was allergic. He did eat a lot so maybe that's what triggered it.

Go see an allergist - they can really help keep them under control.
It was the best thing I ever did for my health.Health Question & Answer

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