Homeopathic remedies for spiders? Getting them off the house?!

Question: Homeopathic remedies for spiders.? Getting them off the house.?
I live in upstate NY with these weird ugly looking little brown spiders. I'm six months pregnant, and in my home we do not use chemicals as I am a naturopathic.. and my husband has severe allergies.

If it helps the essential oils I have are: ylang ylang, tea tree oil, and.. lavender.. I think that's it...

We also have huge cobwebs all over our apartment by the doors and such, and I have tried taking the webs down but it doesn't seem to help.. they just keep coming back.

I know horse chesnuts split get rid of them them but, I dont' want those in the house when I have a baby on the way.. they're highly poisonous and I dont' want any "forgotten".
Health Question & Answer

I don't know if you have hedge apples in your area or not. They are the small inedible fruit of a tree which is prolific in the midwest. They have a pungent orange smell that is beautiful, but repells spiders.

also, eucalyptus leaves are an old fashioned remedy, strew them around in corners, under furniture, etc.

Or another one is,1 quart white vinegar and add 5-8 drops of coconut oil. Mix in a spray bottle and spray along base boards or other bothersome areas.

Hope one of these works for you! Health Question & Answer

omg.i would just about go insane looking in every corners. i would have to move.

what kind are they.? hopefully they arent the brown recluse spider.they can be deadly. and ifyou get bityour skin will deteriorate.

but the whole essencial oils work.i definantly believe in that stuff.
natural is all i will do.

hey since your a naturopathic doctor,will you help me.?

what would a they give me for my bones and acne rosacea.? my rocasea is mild but im afraid of it to get worse. and i get red acne spots andthey stay,but my skin is still freakin active.
ive been using ahava dead sea mud. and i think i might get the oilfree mattifying lotion. ive also just got this stuff from mexico called tepezcohuite pomade,havent used it yet. but soon im gunna try it today.lol..ok thanx.Health Question & Answer

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