I've recently have been having short term memory problems. Any idea what the cause could be?!

Question: I've recently have been having short term memory problems. Any idea what the cause could be.?
Just small things.. for example... I'll ask my friends a question and they'll say, "you just asked me that." I'll usually play it off and go on. Or, I'll go to pour myself a glass or water or something and I'll see that I have apparently already done this. I'm 34. Is this normal.?Health Question & Answer

I don't agree with those who say it could be due to drug usage because I am 22 and I can say I have not used drugs or drank alcohol in my childhood or adulthood, but I do have the same problem. Sometimes I am driving on the freeway and I get to a point and say I don't remember the way here but I got here I wasn't sure if that light was green or red. Did he really tell me that last time. eh i usually passed it off as not caring to remember people's bullshit. But I guess its something worth looking into.Health Question & Answer

I have had short term memory loss issues also. I had (and my docs) had always attributed it to my sports history (soccer) and an attack that caused a serious head injury when I was in my 20's. As it turns out, the root cause of my short term loss was a symptom of celiac disease (gluten intolerance). So, what I am saying is that no one on yahoo can really determine what is causing your short term memory problems and you really need to get yourself to the doctor to have it checked out! It can be a symptom of many diseases, from neurological trauma /disorders, and in my case, digestive. So, please get yourself to the doctor asap!Health Question & Answer

I have a very poor short-term memory at times, as an effect of a TBI - tramautic brain injury, ten years ago. I've had to learn to adapt with my memory, with good results. I know what you need to do.

First, understand there is no such thing as a bad memory. There is only a poorly-used memory. That is your problem.
Memory is a function of attention. You are forgetting things because you are not paying attention, or are easily distracted. It is possible that you have an attention-deficit problem. Don't worry, no reason to start taking drugs and get a new addiction, you just need to learn to adapt to your challenges. That's what I did.

Take your time to think things through. Coding things into memory require rehearsal, meaning repetition. Can be aloud, or it can be thinking about it again. Sometimes if you can think of a new or silly way to recall it, you won't forget it. Especially if you can think of some silly reminder or image, it will help. I am more of a verbal oriented person, so making a rhyme will help. The sillier it is, the easier to remember. A visual image often helps. Being a man, if I can relate it to an image of a woman, something more adult, I promise I'll remember.

Rehearsal helps. Repeat it yourself, verbally and review the image in your mind every time you are presented with the associated stimulus.
Health Question & Answer

You may need to see a physician if this Short-term memory loss has affected your ability to function day to day.
People need to exercise the brain, keep it from Brain Atrophy! I'm over 40 now & noticed a decrease in my ability to recall. It bothered me so I bought the Nintendo ds and the memory games they have:

Brain Age (1 & 2)
Flash Focus
Mega Brain Boost (3 games in 1)
Mind Quiz

I found Flash Focus to be the most enjoyable, but that one is for alertness & reaction time. Brain Age is 2nd best and had the most results!! Mega Brain Boost & Mind Quiz are good too. I've encouraged my friends and you too, Try it!Health Question & Answer

Yes this is normal. It was about that age that I noticed such oditiy about myself. You may be preoccupied with something else on your mind and trying to multi-task thoughts. You may be under stress, You may be indulging in alcohol or drugs. To any degree it is a normal aging behavior. Just you wait until your age gets between 50-60. It won't be shocking to you, you'll have to laugh at yourself in disbelief.Health Question & Answer

Could be any number of items:

Causes of Memory Loss

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Alzheimer's Disease
Brain Tumor
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Drug Abuse
Encephalitis and Meningitis
Epilepsy (Seizure Disorder)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Parkinson's Disease
Pick Disease
Cerebrovascular disease
Head trauma
Lewy body disease
Mercury poisoning
Neurodegenerative diseases
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Psychological/emotional disturbances
Prolonged toxin exposure
Sleep disorders
Thyroid disease
Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
Vitamin deficiencies
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Wilson's diseaseHealth Question & Answer

I know how you feel. When I stressed out it seems that I forget even the smallest things. It can feel that your losing it at times but relax. If it doesn't get better then you should go see a doctor. But I would recommend you try to relax and see what happens. Hope this helps....Health Question & Answer

It is probably normal, but just to check, you aren't depressed are you.?
I had clinical depression and it messed up my concentration.
Stress can also do that.Health Question & Answer

Lack of sleep, long term drug usage, too young for alzheimers.
If you suffer from racing thoughts you may have ADD or
Bi polar. Most likely you are just smoking yourself retarded.
Might want to see the doc. Good luckHealth Question & Answer

Yes, it is. I'm no doctor but sometimes stress and lack of sleep can do this to a person. Start sharpening up your mind by playing soduku and taking ginkoba. Health Question & Answer

how is your sleep.? do you get enough.? do you sleep at least 7 hours straight through or are you waking up frequently.? This can cause some short term memory loss as well as just not feeling great. hope this helps!Health Question & Answer

Hi, I recommend you to post your question into wortix.com, a specialized medical forum, only doctors will answer

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