Why when I eat fish does this happen?!

Question: Why when I eat fish does this happen.?
Sometimes when I eat fish, ONLY SOMETIMES, my lips start to tingle and itch and my throat starts to burn. Its like a once every other time thing. Its only to fresh fish such as, sushi or fried fish. I can eat canned tuna without a problem. I also have no problem eating crab or shellfish. This never used to happen to me but lately in the last 12 months it has. Like I said, it seems to be like every other time. I'll have the burning and itching then I'll try it again later and be fine so I'll think I'm okay then sure enough the next time I have fish my horrible itching and throat burning comes back. It doesnt matter what type of fish it is either. So could this be an allergy or what.? And if so, why does it only effect me sometimes.?Health Question & Answer

What you are most likely experiencing is a strong allergic reaction, possibly anaphylaxis. Please note that anaphylaxis can be deadly, and medical attention is a must.
If you are getting an allergic reaction to foods, stop eating what you suspect is causing the reaction. It would be best to get tested for allergies ASAP.

You cannot accurately diagnose what you are allergic to on your own. The reason why you may be getting reactions one time, but not another is due to two factors.
The first is a possible allergy to something else than fish, and the reason why you have "random" allergic reactions is that only certain time do you eat fish with this particular allergen on it. This can get complicated very quickly, so as I said before, it's best to get tested.
The second (and most annoying) factor is that allergies are random and hard to pin down. For instance, I have a severe allergy to nuts. I could eat peanut butter and be fine one day, but eat it again the next and end up in the hospital. Thats why consulting your doctor is really important.Health Question & Answer

yeah mamita that is an allergy!! sometimes i have the same problem...i decided to go to the doctor and he told me to eat it at my own risk....... do you have a myspace.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

r u allergic to whatever seasoning u used.?.?Health Question & Answer

Most likely that you are allergic to fish.
It could be that you are allergic to certain kinds of fish and certain ways they are prepared.
I know someone who is allergic to mushrooms but only to the ones that are fresh and raw. She doesnt get any allergic reactions when eating cooked ones though. Likewise, maybe your body can handle fish only when they are prepared in a certain way.
You should go get tested at a dermatologist. and dont eat anymore fish until you are sure of it. because your allergy is not gonna get any better. its getting worse. In a worst-case scenario, these allergies can cause dificulty in breathing.
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