Diabetics costing 9 Billion??!?!

Question: Diabetics costing 9 Billion.?.?!.?

This article makes me very upset. My younger brother got a virus which killed his pancreas therefore causing him to become type 1, 4 injections a day. He's only 14 years old - not overweight AT ALL, and still the Nhs wrong innocent victims. I think its a disgrace, especially since we pay our bloody taxes to individuals that can't work - or choose not too, and illegal immigrants. Why don't they look into how else the NHS are spending there money and find something else more resourcefull than prying on innocent victims.

How do you all feel about it.?Health Question & Answer

Yeah the article was quite short and non specific. Type 1 diabetics usually cannot help it and are diagnosed well into early childhood. Type 2 diabetes can for the most part be prevented and treated by making lifestyle changes. Obesity is really the underlying culprit in many health diseases now a days and governments should really be focusing more attention on preventing it.Health Question & Answer

I spotted the article too. I'm not overweight by any standards and they should have made the article a bit clearer as to which type of diabetes was costing the NHS that kind of money.Health Question & Answer

It's stupid of them to think that way.I'm a type 2 diabetic and i feel like everyone with any health problem be treated equally,not what they say about diabetics only. What about other illnesses that cost just as much.Health Question & Answer

Well, what do you expect from the Sun.? It long ago abandoned any pretense at objective journalism!
I am type 2 diabetic, and am not obese or even overweight!Health Question & Answer

Well! after all it really MUST be true if you read it in the Sun!
Ignore articles like that-they are just trying to stir up a riot!Health Question & Answer

Yeah totally agree, I am also type 1, injecting myself so many times a day to stay alive that I feel like a colander and constantly fighting to keep my levels somewhere near normality, most of the time feeling like shite (one way or the other) as I also try and work!

I get my insulin and more health checks than you could shake a stick at, but that is it! I get no benefits, no disability badges or free cars, no other help with trying to live my life and EVERY day is a struggle. I was as fit as a flee and two thirds of the size I am now PRIOR to being diagnosed and starting my insulin treatment and generally get treated like a lepper!

Maybe if the NHS spent more on prevention they could cut the cost of type 2, but I am still waiting for a cure of my type 1; believe me, I'd rather NOT have it!

But as already said, this was in the Sun! What do they care.?Health Question & Answer

Disgusting article when it doesn't discuss more about diabetes, having lived with diabetes for 28 years and having it in my family these types of articles make me very cross but as a good friend said to me it's only the sun they might have well written it in the beano! But genuine diabetics aren't trying to get medication out of the nhs they are just trying to live there lives as peacefully and safely as possible. Ok I get free meds on the nhs for my diabetes but what about being penalised in other areas as a diabetic ie car insurance, life insurance and whilst we're on the subject the other risks diabetics have to put up with hypos which can be silent killersHealth Question & Answer

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