If Africa has 3/5 of it's population HIV infected, why do they not wear condoms?!

Question: If Africa has 3/5 of it's population HIV infected, why do they not wear condoms.?
seriously black people are spreading this disease at an alarming rate, and you wonder why black people are a turn off to me, I do not want to catch aids.Health Question & Answer

Because they are a backwards people, even if we handed out loads of condoms for free they will not use them, Their answer to poverty is to screw each other senseless and to have as many illegitimate kids as possible. I just wondered who was the first one of their race to screw the monkey to get aids into existence, I like how you people curse at this guy like you are the ignorant people we are talking about, and yeah I agree about the turnoff too, I think in the back of my head do I really want to risk aids for a relationship with these people...Health Question & Answer

Firstly, it is odd that black people should be a "turnoff" only because there are AIDS problems in Africa. It almost sounds like you think you could catch it just by being in their general proximity.

Secondly, it is not because they are "black" that AIDS is spreading rapidly. It is a result of the general education levels and dysfunctional, poorly led Governments in many parts of Africa that AIDS is spreading like it is. If the people were all white, but had the same issues with poverty, education and health resources, the AIDS problem would be no different at all. Except maybe that white people would be a "turnoff" to you.

You can't get people, of ANY colour, to wear condoms if they:

A. Don't have easy access to them
B. Don't even know what one is.
C. Are not encouraged to use them.
D. Get told lies by their own Governments about how AIDS is transmitted and prevented.Health Question & Answer

One big problem in Africa is that for some reason, many people there believe that if they have HIV or AIDS, and have sex with a virgin, they will be cured. The result of this is that more young people are being infected.
BTW, ANYONE can get HIV, and anyone who has HIV can transmit it to others--NOT just people who happen to be Black.
HIV is spread through unprotected sex with an infected person, direct contact with infected blood by sharing needles for drug use or by infected blood getting into your bloodstream through an open cut or wound. It can also be spread from a woman to her child during birth or breastfeeding.

HIV is not spread by saliva or casual contact.Health Question & Answer

How can you sit here and think that.?!

Yes, it's a unfortunate that most of Africa has this terrible disease, but that gives you no right to assume that ALL Black people are responsible for spreading the disease!
I've heard stories of people of ALL races catch the disease. If you're so worried about catching the disease keep your legs closed and don't have sex! And by the way, my boyfriend is black, and no, he doesn't have any diseases like you assume all black people do!

Besides, if you're so concerned about people in africa not wearing condoms when they have sex, why don't you do something about it and help donate them some, get involved, instead of just sitting on your lazy A S S and thinking of ignorant questions to ask!

DEUCES...Health Question & Answer

Uneducated people are a turn off for me. African inhabitants are largely uneducated about the ways HIV is spread and how to prevent it. The do not have the luxury of government sponsored programs like the US. Many people in Africa believe that they can cure HIV by having unprotected sex with a virgin. Rape is also used as a weapon in Africa, especially in tribal warfare. And women are treated very poorly and do not have much control over their sexual partners. They are expected to remain faithful to their husbands, while he is usually unfaithful. They also have no say over whether or not their husbands use a condom, assuming that they have the money to buy condoms. If you don't want to catch HIV then don't have unprotected sex and don't use IV drugs. But don't be racist, that doesn't prevent anything except enlightenment.Health Question & Answer

Various religious, cultural and ethnic differences. Some believe its wrong, some arent educated, most cant afford them, and in some cases women are raped and end up with it. Its a big problem, and to say its about black or white is as ignorant and untrue as the idea that black people spread aids. The only way to stop the spread of aids is through education, awareness, improvements to medical provision and funding, and charitable aid (money).Health Question & Answer

It's the Africans from Africa! We are not talking about the African AMERICANS in United States even though they also have a high rate of HIV/AIDS due to black men sleeping with men.

But it's the AFRICANS from AFRICA that are overly populated with the HIV/AIDS infection due to rape and lack of protection rights against people especially women (people don't have much rights and let alone freedom to do as they please). The lack of healthcare is also horrible out there considering their is no one really to regulate what goes on in that country. People are like wild animals with nothing but chaos out there. I feel so bad for them.

Get your facts straight you dumb b*tch! What race are you with a stupid name like Ineda.? Maybe you should go back to your country you uneducated, trifling b*tch! Oh btw, shame on your mother for giving you a NON-AMERICAN, ghetto name like Ineda! LOLHealth Question & Answer

There are a lot of reasons for not wearing a condom.
1-They don't know about them
2-IF they can get them they are to expensive
3-there is culture
4-there is religion
5-if you have to provide food or condoms what do you think will win out

And I have to say your judgmental to in your writing is a turn off for me. You label and categorize people. Yes we see the dark skinned African in a lot of pbs and other news related articles but there are white people in Africa that are HIV+Health Question & Answer

Africa is a poor country you dumb **** theyre last concern is to buy condom... and plus you a f u ck ing douch for sayying that s hit about black people ur gonna get killed one day if u say that oit loudHealth Question & Answer

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