What is a SPECT bone scan?!

Question: What is a SPECT bone scan.?
what is it.?.?.? how is it dont.?.? what does it show.?.? do u lay down, stand up.? its for my lower back .....ANY info would be sooooo GREAT thanks a millHealth Question & Answer

lady, a spect bone scan is done using a radioactive dye which u are given via needle. after a n hour u return to the scan place and lay on the table. part of the machine passes over you taking pictures. takes 20/30 min , doest hurt and bone abnormalities show as bright spots.
willnotgiveupHealth Question & Answer

I'm cutting and pasting my answer in hopes that the info could help just one person or whoever reads it:

I came across some information online some time ago about a man who had found a way to treat his cancer using natural treatments - that were also researched within the medical community and proven to have affects on cancer cells - and thought it might be helpful to share because from what I read there were also some studies that helped to back up what was said.

When I was online I stumbled upon a man named

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