'the deodorants' problem????!

Question: 'the deodorants' problem.?.?.?.?
Are the deos harmful.?.?.?.?.?if so,how.?.?.?.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

The big debate is not on deodorant, but on antiperspirant. Theory is that antiperspirant blocks pores under your arms. This is wonderful for not having sweaty marks on your clothing, but sweating is one way that the body eliminates toxins. When the body is not allowed to sweat, the toxins back up into the lymphatic system. With your underarms being so close to your breasts, theory says that continually backing these toxins up can cause them to accumulate in the breast area which can contribute to the development of breast cancer.

Another thought process is that the chemicals in deodorants and antiperspirants can easily enter the body through pores under the arms, especially for women, as shaving can leave minute nicks in the skin. Antiperspirants have aluminum products and excess aluminum has a link to Alzheimer's, though that link is unclear.

I don't know if the above scenarios are accurate, but I decided years ago not to take a chance. I began using a natural deodorant about 16 years ago. At the time, I was a letter carrier in Phoenix and it did just fine to eliminate odor. I don't worry about sweat marks - when you live in the southwest, the body will sweat, no matter what!

Here's a link to a place where you can buy the natural deodorant that I use.


Hope this helps!Health Question & Answer

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