How long to get over a bacterial cold? ?!

Question: How long to get over a bacterial cold.? .?
Is antibiotics the only way to get over a bacterial cold.? Drs.say virus, and if it lingers on they say bacterial and antibiotics. Health Question & Answer

there is no such thing as a bacterial cold. A cold is a cold.
If you have a doctor who says "if it lingers, I'll give you an antibiotic" -- THEN YOU NEED TO FIND A DIFFERENT DOCTOR.

you have to dispel some complete myths that are just not true.

1. if the color of your phlegm turns brown or green you need an antibiotic -- FALSE: ALL viral infections will have brown or green sputum at the end of the syndrome - it means that wbc's are rushing into the bronchial tube to kill the virus - the color of the sputum is due to the presence of your own wbc's. It is NOT an indicator of bacterial infection. The color of the sputum is meaningless.

2. if the cold lasts longer than 3 days you need an antibiotic. FALSE : ALL colds last longer than 3 days - in clinical studies, the median duration of the common cold is between 7 days and 9 days - with 10% of people still being symptomatic at day 14. And NO person in those studies that I have seen was better in less than 4.5 days - which should be considered the shortest possible duration. That's why taking an antibiotic because you're still sick on day 3 or 4 is just insane.

Best advice -- DO NOT see a doctor when you have a cold. My 92-year old grandma can recognize the common cold, and she has never gone to medical school. Unfortunately I don't think any doctors seem to be able to have the same skill - they'll always give you an antibiotic - in part because they think that's what you want, and because it will make the patient leave quickly !

Wonder why there are some germs like MRSA, VRE, ESBL, and others that are almost untreatable these days.? it is because doctors keep pushing antibiotics for things that are not bacterial infections.

lean to recognize a cold, and treat it yourself . There is nothing a doctor can do to make it better - but they can make it worse by giving you prescription drugs like antibiotics and narcotic cough medicine (which by the way is no better than robitussin--DM, but is much more dangerous. When you realize you do NOT need a doctor for every cough and sore throat, you should feel relieved that you don't have to waste all that time and money.

Only go to the doctor if you have temp > 101F, shortness of breath (the cardinal signs of pneumonia) with your cough.Health Question & Answer

you can get over colds with out antibiotics, but its more difficult, and if your really sick, then anitbiotics may be what you need to survive. it depends on your immune system too, if its low then you could have a continuious cold and may keep getting worse. strengthen your immune system = drink 36 cups of filtered water, pure juice or a healthy drink, a day, also exersize as much as you can and get fresh air. keep your home at the temp of about 70-75 degrees, drink hot drinks when your cold and cold drink when your hot, its good for you to move around and exersize, i kno its difficult, but it will make your blood flow and you need that so you can get the bad stuff to flow out and with vitamins, healthy food, and proper nutrition, teas, vitamin c, multi vitamin... you should be able to get better, Break dance. eat at least 2500 cals a day. Muscle weighs more than fat, don

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