Somebody please help me im desperate?!

Question: Somebody please help me im desperate.?
my 2 year has been sick for about 2 weeks with what they say is hand foot and mouth disease which he got from daycare but i am noticing now that his hair is falling out and he has sores on his head can somebody help me figure out what he might have. i already took him to the doctor and they said that it is hand foot and mouth disease but it doesn't look like the pictures i have seen of hand foot and mouth disease. he doesn't have any sores on his hands or feet or anywhere else on his body except in his mouth which are canker sore looking things and on the top of his head which are red bumps and he clearly has bald spots
Health Question & Answer

If you are not satisfied with what you've been told by the doctor(s) you have already been to then BY ALL MEANS get the baby to another doctor(or a few doctor's) for a 2nd(and 3rd or 4th etc)opinion. Doctor's are not infallible and do often misdiagnose. This is a baby, there is not a lot of room or time to hesitate. I also deeply believe in a mother's gut instinct. You know your child and his/her natural behaviours and mannerisms whether sick or not, and if things just don't seem right, odds are they're not! PLEASE have the child seen by someone else-and if need be take a trip to the ER....I DO NOT like the sounds of the loss of hair. This could be more serious then you know, I hope it isn't and if it isn't then at least you know with certainty that as a parent you've done all you could for your child.
~Good Luck and God Bless~Health Question & Answer

1) it could still be hand foot and mouth disease with an added bacterial infection prolonging healing of lesions
2) could be something different like Dermatitis herpatiformis where you have gluten allergy that is sort of sub-coeliac disease and instead you get a sort of blistering/eczema like skin probles. However the one adult I ever knew with this skin condition tended to come out in a rash that faded fast and then returned
3) Lichen planus which can have oral lesions and seems to have bumpy skin manifestations

Could the mouth be thrush .?
Sometimes a soar throat can precipitate guttae (=drop) psoriasis ) which might explain the head involvement although what you are describing is raised (=papule) rather than sunken (=plaque)

Sometimes a skin disease can look like something else totally at its early stages so I guess there will come a time (soon) when you should return to let the doctor have a second look at the baby:)Health Question & Answer

Hi. Try and keep calm, if you're really worried, go 2 the ER, but I just looked on the Center for Disease Control site ( and when I typed in those key words, Hand, Foot, and Mouth was the first thing s to come up. All the symptoms sound the same as what u described, and that it is much more common in children under 10 yrs. I hope he's okay. I pray 4 him!!Health Question & Answer

my younger sister had foot and mouth, and her poor little mouth was covered in ulcer type things they went right down her throat (100's). i don't remember her having any of the lump things anywhere else.Health Question & Answer

Go to a doctor again and again until you find out! They will only look at symptoms that are there when a new one comes up tell the DrHealth Question & Answer

You already asked this question, but I don't know what answer you're looking for. If he doesn't have sores on his hands or feet, then he doesn't have hand foot and mouth disease. I repeat, hair loss is NOT a symptom of this disease and neither is head sores, but it could indicate something more serious.

Pack him in the car, call a taxi, call a friend, whatever you need to do, and go to the ER since it's Saturday. It doesn't take a 2 year old long to get extremely sick. So, stop taking polls on Yahoo Answers -- your child needs to see a real live doctor.

Get off the computer and go now...

Add: I just read your other questions. You pick you boyfriend over your children.?.? I guess that explains why you don't want to splurge on a doctor for your sick 2 year old. How old are you anyway.?.? Get this kid to a doctor, then get yourself to one for some birth control. Parenting is a serious job, and it sure sounds like you aren't ready.Health Question & Answer

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