Bad rash on my back, chest, and underarms!?!?!?!

Question: Bad rash on my back, chest, and underarms!.?!.?!.?
For the last week or so I have been under some stress. Just took my PSAT's today, and someother stuff includeing work and school. The rash started on my upper chest pretty small, and then I started to realize it was on my back to. Now its even starting to creep up my arms. Im really scared. I have been putting Hydrocortisone cream and vasaline on it( My mom called the doctor, and asked his opinion) The rash is made up of red elevated bumps, likely no ozzing or anything yet. also it is painful, kind of like a muscle pain.

Is this just stress related.? or maybe more severe.

Please help:)Health Question & Answer

Honestly, it could be chicken pox or shingles. Yes I know "but I had chicken pox already!" You always carry the virus, you're never cured. Therefore, the virus is stored in nerve cells for your life, no symptoms..nada.......But, when someone gets stressed, the virus can lyses out (breaks out) of the stresed cell. This is shingles, a occurrence of chicken pox. This doesn't mean this is what you have. It could be just stress related and go away. If they get worse, see a doctor. If hydrocortisone doesn't work, see a doc.Health Question & Answer

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