Feeling bad for having seizures?!

Question: Feeling bad for having seizures.?
i have epilepsy and im so so sad
i want to be normal and i go to college
i fear having a seizure everyday and my professors know about them
but i just feel like if i have one and they have to stop class then its all my fault that the class is behind
i feel so upset with myself and i wish that i didn't have seizures
what is a way i can signal the teacher that i feel a seizure coming .?
well sometimes i don't know they are coming but sometimes i get an aura so yeah....?Health Question & Answer

I'm sorry you are feeling so sad, honey. Epilepsy can be very challenging, but it is no reason to give up on college - or any other goal.

It's perfectly okay to have a meeting with your instructors to let them know about your seizures. You can work out a way to signal your instructors if that make you feel more secure. You can sit near the door so you can leave class if necessary.

There is not need to feel that any of this is your fault. You have a disability. Life is full of such challenges. Your classmates will not fall behind should you have a seizure.

I should know - I went through high school, college, and grad school with a seizure disorder - just like many, many other people. You can, too!

All the best.
Health Question & Answer

You have my smpathies. What a terrible thing to have to worry about. My son has diabetes and I know school was hard for him sometimes because he had to worry about going low. It really changed his personality and made him shy when he had always been outgoing before. Please talk to your teachers in private, you will be surprised how understanding they will be. Don't be upset with yourself, it is not your fault at all, it was just your bad luck. Please listen to me on this though. I have a dear friend who has epilepsy. Have your ever heard of the Ketogenic Diet for epileptics.? Type in Ketogenic Diet in your search engine and you might be pleasantly surprised. also the way I knew of this also is the movie Meryl Streep was in with the son who had epilepsy. She speaks at the end of it about the Ketogenic Diet, it has changed a lot of lives. I wish you would also search Meryl Streeps movies in your search engine and go rent that movie, it is amazing. You must see it, it really could be life changing for you. Good luck and God Bless You. Life isn't fair is it.?Health Question & Answer

I know how you feel! I am one year away from get my college degree but I needed to take time off not because of the seizure, more because the topamax..Health Question & Answer

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