My bff has been using some pretty scary pills to cure her acne?!

Question: My bff has been using some pretty scary pills to cure her acne.?
my friend has had really bad acne all of her life.shes 28 now and its still bad.shes tried proactive and all kinds of acne medicine.shes now on this pill thats side effects include:liver and kidney damage,brittle bones(she could break a bone extremely easy),increased brain pressure,dry skin/lips,etc,etc......she could die from this....she also took chantix(the most recent recalled drug).if she were to concieve a baby the babys skull would be deformed and have holes in it....all because of an acne medicine.
im just worried about her.i am the type of person who is very weary of perscription drugs and likes to find natural remedies.would it wrong of me to buy her some top of the line great working NATURAL acne remedies.?ive never had acne like she has had,but i do get breakouts.i use natural creams and cleansers and it clears it up really well.
im kind of thinking of maybe getting her an all natural topical acne remedy for her birthday....would that be too invasive.?Health Question & Answer

nmy friends had a almost the same prblem ur friends is having now. i neva heard u can take pills for ance but most likely she shouldnt take it. my friend had bad ance. she try proactive and some more. but nothing seem to work. she had so bad of an ance she use acholol on her skin. not the kind u drink. but i wouldnt recommendent though cuz everybody as diffeent kind of skin and it might not work like it work for my friend. i saw tell ur friend to go se a doctor about that cuz the pills she r takin is not good for her health. hope i helpHealth Question & Answer

It sounds like she's taking accutane. It is a pretty harsh drug and is usually used as a treatment of last resort. There's nothing wrong with sending your friend information and I hate to sound cynical, but natural remedies frequently can't treat these types of resistant conditions. Your friend definitely knows the risks and side effects of accutane because no doctor would prescribe it without telling her. If she's anything like me, she willing to take that risk when you have to live with terrible acne for years.Health Question & Answer

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