You can't kill them in the wound but you can kill them when they are 18?!

Question: You can't kill them in the wound but you can kill them when they are 18.?
Its not okay to have an abortion, but it is okay to send an 18yr to war to get killed or kill. Is that what pro life is about.? I can kill you if you kill because you made it out of the womb. I am getting this right.? I am having a hard time understanding the logic of pro life. Can anyone help me.? If a baby is innocent and deserves a chance at life, then how can we take life ever.? Does it mean you are no longer innocent once you leave the womb.? therefore, you can kill or be killed after birth.?Health Question & Answer

The 18 year old volunteers for military service. I don't think anyone can honestly say they joined the military and didn't understand that dying might not be part of the job description. The 18 year old can also opt not to join, and to register as a conscientious objector. The unborn baby has no option, and does not volunteer. As far as taking a life, I am not in favor of the death penalty. Not all pro-life people have the same views on things, other than the respect for life from the moment of conception. You have a choice before getting pregnant. Why are your rights more important than those of the baby.? The Constitution clearly states in the very beginning that the purpose was to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Since by definition, posterity would refer to those generations yet unborn- it would seem obvious they too have the rights to life. Murder is never acceptable, legally sanctioned or not. Someday, hopefully, humans will come to realize that war, abortion, and the death penalty are all morally objectionable- and all three will cease to exist. Health Question & Answer

A baby did not ask to be concived so therefore abortion is wrong.

Sometimes we are asked to do things for our country that we would rather not do or have someone else do. JFK once said " Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country." What ever happened to that kind of thinking.? We have to protect what is right and what is ours. Sometimes to protect our lands and our families we, as a country, have to sacrifice our young men and women.

If called upon I would hope my boys would have the courage to defend our land, even from those in it who would destroy it.Health Question & Answer

It is the group morality. You see, abortion is seen by the majority Christian society as a sin and evil in the eyes of the lord. However, an 18 yr. old going to war in iraq is not seen as bad by the majority and probably isn't a sin. Everyone sees a young child as innocent but that trust dissapears once someone turns a certain age, It is just the way the world works Im afraid.

It is unfortunate and terrible when life must be taken, but sometimes we have no choice.Health Question & Answer

or... its not okay to have an abortion... instead bring a child into the world... make them live in an unhappy and abusive home... or in a detached foster-care system...

child grows up... ends up on death row... THEN its ok to kill em...

Or stem cell research is bad because it destroys innocent fetuses... even if it could save lives in the future... but bombing the crap out of a country and claiming that the innocent civilian toll is justified because they were "saving" other people...Health Question & Answer

basically killing is wrong but i'm for abortion because i dont really see it as killing because i assume that abortion will be used in a proper way, e.g. if the parents cant support the child, it's inbred, danger to the mother etc etc etc

abortion should be a choice just like going to war isHealth Question & Answer

If you are dumb enough to go to war at 18 then you deserve to be aborted. also if you don't want a child it should be aborted because it will not be loved.Health Question & Answer

I disagree

I fully support abortion because too many stupid teens/people are over-populating this planet.Health Question & Answer

umm how old are you. and are you high.? do you have lead paint in your house.? sorry you make no sense.Health Question & Answer

its not really about the innocence of the child, but its because they really have no choice in the matter. but either way im more pro choice.Health Question & Answer

Watch a music video by Nick Cannon, yes, I said Nick Cannon...called "Can I Live".Health Question & Answer

What country are you from because in American there are plently of baby killers and there hasnt been a draft since 73.Health Question & Answer

noHealth Question & Answer

i don't see the connection here.are you saying we shouldn't defend our self.Health Question & Answer

a baby s defenseless. The baby has no voice. The methods that are used to kill the innocent child is beyond horrific. (do a search on abortion methods) while an 18 yr old soldier voluntarily gives his or her services to the military. They are not forced or held at gun point to sign up. They always know that there is the possiblity of going to war. And they are well aware of the fact of what could happen. They are the real heroes in this country. And we are not killing our soldiers. Those who have so far died in the war, died for you and me and all other Americans defending our freedoms. We did not kill them.
oh and btw, its "womb" not "wound" no wonder you cant understand the difference between a helpless baby with no defenses and an adult with freedom of choice.
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