How stupid was my behavior?!

Question: How stupid was my behavior.?
I'm in a long term monogamous relationship. In a moment, that I can describe as of utter stupidity, I had unprotected anal sex with a stranger, me being the top. I didn't ejaculate and I don't have any sores on my penis. When I cleaned my penis immediately after the sex, I noticed I had a tiny drop of blood on it. It belonged to my sexual partner. There is a risk of being infected with HIV or any other STD. I'm mostly worried about HIV, because of the blood. I'm going to get tested, of course. I've stopped having sex with my lover from the day this happened & I'll carry on with abstinence until I get the result. Despite being petrified with the possibility of being infected and losing the one I love, I want to tell my lover what I done. Shall I wait until I get the results (and avoid my lover being worried about my health until I get the result) or shall I confess right now, before having the result.? I'm in such a nervous state, that i can't think normally. Can you give me your advice.?Health Question & Answer

This is a difficult situation. I think that as soon as you get the first results you should tell him. But you will still have to get tested again.

HIV does not show up right away. The test searches for antibodies that your body has produced to fight the virus - and these sometimes don't show up for 4, 5, or even 6 months. And 6 months will be a long time to go without telling your partner why you're abstaining from sex.

But you are doing the right thing in abstaining from sex now, and planning on telling him. Of course you know you may lose him because of this, and it probably will be something that you regret for a very long time, or maybe the rest of your life. But people do make mistakes, and people do forgive for these mistakes.

No matter what the outcome, we just must learn from them and move on for the future.

Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

Don't say ANYTHING now, that will only accomplish more hurt and worry for your lover. Whatever you do now and in the future should be for your lover's sake, not for your own purposes or to ease your own guilt. If all turns out well, it may be unnecessary to tell at all. That is, if you have truly learned a lesson and have no intention of repeating such a betrayal. Shame on you for putting yourself and someone else in jeopardy, but I wish you the best in your results.Health Question & Answer

wow that's scary. I think you should definately wait for the results. Obviously if you are positive you will have to tell them but if its negative you have to think seriously about your partners reaction. If there is no way they will find out and you don't want to loose them then maybe dont say anything. You will both just end up hurting. Hopefully you feel guilty enough to never do it again.Health Question & Answer

If your tests are negative and if you really really love your partner and really want you two to stay together, i would not say a word. You feel guilty and telling will make you feel relieved but your partner will go though so much pain and the relationship might finish or will never be the same. I think this is one of those situations where not too tell requires more courage than to tell.Health Question & Answer

I think she would be mad if she never found out. You will have to talk to her at some stage. I think telling her would be based on her reaction, you probably need some support at this stage.

But most of all, well done for being a man about all this, and not exposing your partner to a potentially deadly disease.
Health Question & Answer

your behaiviour was VERY stupid. *clap* nice work... (sarcasm)

but, you should't tell her. she'd be very hurt. dont tell her until you have the results. if all turns out well, then yay.
but if it turns out bad.. then
tell her. :(
sorry. i really feel sorry for uuHealth Question & Answer

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