Can you loose your period Forever due to anorexia and bulimic/purging ?!

Question: Can you loose your period Forever due to anorexia and bulimic/purging .?
I'm doing a project work because one of my closest friend had anorexia, now she has moved away after she went to recovery and I don't get to hear from her no more, anyway I would like to know if anyone had any eating disorders some stories and also when you start loosing your period once will that be definite or will it come back .? and what other organs are hurt .?Health Question & Answer

I had anorexia and bulimia from the age of 17 - 28. I went from 11 stone to 6 stone in 5 months and had a nervous breakdown at the age of 19.
My periods stopped for a year, but started to go back to normal when my doctor put me on the pill (to induce false periods) and increase levels or Oestrogen because my bones were thinning and becoming brittle.
My hair started to fall out at the age of 20 and the enamel on my teeth started wearing away.
I lost most of my muscle mass and couldn't walk properly, and got a very strange layer of fine hair all over my body (the doctor said this is a usual occurrence when an anorexic body is trying to keep it's self warm).
At the age of 25, I had a fertility test and was warned that I may be infertile, and I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis.

I'm 30 now and feel I am in a stage of recovery that may prevent me falling back into old habits. I've came off the pill 6 months ago and am pleased to be having normal periods, and would like to try for a baby in the next few years.
I studied nutritional and herbal medicine for 2 years which helped a great deal and am marrying the most wonderful man in the world june next year; this is the biggest thing that stops me getting wrapped up in dangerous, irrational obsessions again.

Anorexia and bulimia are horrific diseases that take a long time to heal.
It would be good if you could get in touch with your friend again; you obviously think about her a lot. Hope she's ok and good luck with your project. Health Question & Answer

Im sure it comes back when you put weight back on most of the time,
There are loads effects of anorexia that are easily noticed. If the person isnt eating, then you dont give your body the energy to go about normal day to day things. The effects of anorexia can include laziness, depression, not ability to focus, and hardly any strength. People who are anorexic may look drawn and haggard all the time, even if they have had a full nights sleep. Another effect of anorexia is moodiness. Because there bodies cant stabilize their blood sugar levels, anorexics often have funny mood turns.
-Your hair gets thin and brittle because of no nutrients
-Kidney stones, kidney failure.
-Weak muscles and bones

I got this from a website; Some women, who aren't underweight, but who stop getting their periods during times of extreme exercise and erratic eating, regain their period once they get back into a routine of healthy eating and exercise habits.Health Question & Answer

mY SISTER lost her periods for a long time due to annerexia.They returned when she started eating normally and reached a healthy weight.She now has heart problems witch the consultant said could have been caused by the strain it was under when she was at her worst.Health Question & Answer

Yes, anorexia and bulimia can lead to not having your period.
Or sometimes,having it more than once a month.Health Question & Answer

Your periods will come back once you regain enough body fat.

Your heart and lungs will suffer and you will be at risk of oesterporosis, where the bones weaken.

You will suffer mentally too.Health Question & Answer

nah unfortunately you get your period back if you go above a certain weight. if you starve your body eats your muscles to stay alive, including your organs which are muscle like the heart. Health Question & Answer

Your period will come back after you start eating right again. You can damage all organs. Your heart mainly. Health Question & Answer

google anorexia all the info will be there,yes ya do lose ya periods and you can become more hairy ya teeth become bad and stainedHealth Question & Answer

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